Televised Christmas Karting?

Televised Christmas Karting?


adam quantrill

Original Poster:

11,592 posts

253 months

Saturday 17th December 2016
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I wonder if this still happens? I remember quite a few years ago watching a gokart race around christmas time that included a lot of the current F1 drivers.

It was a great bit of telly.... probably the race was run somewhere on the continent. I wonder if it still gets run and if so does it get televised?


3,911 posts

231 months

Saturday 17th December 2016
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Are you thinking of 'The race of Champions'?. I know it's not Karts, but....


555 posts

236 months


90,152 posts

295 months

Saturday 17th December 2016
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I remember that, the Paris-Bercy karting. They also did it one year at a banked circuit in Stuttgart -


777 posts

277 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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I still have my 'off-air' recordings from Paris in 1994 when Senna and Prost raced.