RE: Shredded Wheat BTCC car!

RE: Shredded Wheat BTCC car!

Wednesday 14th December 2016

Shredded Wheat BTCC car!

Motorbase's Focus gets a dramatic new look for 2017 with a legendary sponsor on board

There have been some grumblings of late that race car liveries simply aren't as appealing as they once used to be. As multiple sponsors have to be involved to keep a team going, so liveries become less cohesive and more scrambled to accommodate them.

Is 2017 Jackon's championship year?
Is 2017 Jackon's championship year?
No longer! Say hello to the Motorbase Ford Focus ST for the 2017 BTCC, with Shredded Wheat as its title sponsor. Oh sure, they've also had to make room for other sponsors espares, IKO and some magazine called Autocar, but this is without doubt the Shredded Wheat Ford Focus. And who was expecting that?

Motorbase Team Principal Dave Bartrum said they were "extremely proud" to be bringing Shredded Wheat to the BTCC, those thoughts echoed in an excellent quote by Nestle UK Marketing Director Toby Baker: "The Shredded Wheat brand is a catalyst for living life to the full and so it is fantastic that we are able to partner with a high adrenaline sport like the BTCC and with a proven winning team like Motorbase." We know what's for breakfast in the Motorbase hospitality this season...

The other big news for the 2016 Independent Team champions is the retention of Mat Jackson as a driver, reigning Independent champ and in fact just 16 points behind Gordon Shedden in last year's title race. It's his eighth consecutive season with the team, with the additional drivers to be confirmed soon.

It's unknown exactly whose idea the Shredded Wheat BTCC car was, but we commend whoever came up with it because the end result looks fantastic. What else might be seen on the 2017 grid? Wheat Crunchies? Jammie Dodgers? Twix? Over to you...




Original Poster:

4,841 posts

176 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
quotequote all
That i an awesome livery.

Clearly that will be remembered as a an all time great smile


5,870 posts

215 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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That looks amazing, like a matchbox car brought to life. Very retro livery and all the better for it IMO

tim milne

346 posts

244 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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19,710 posts

284 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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bakerstreet said:
That i an awesome livery.

Clearly that will be remembered as a an all time grrrrrrrrreat smile
or is that wrong??


3 posts

129 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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The vehicle looks magnificent unlike Shredded Wheat which must be the most dull, colourless and boring breakfast cereal ever put on sale.


2,255 posts

255 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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It is heartening that major brands see the value of investing in motorsport.

NASCAR is superb at attracting household brands. F1 has been pretty poor at replacing tobacco money with global brands such as Coca Cola, McDonalds etc (although the recent influx of alcohol brands is promising , but I fear may be a short-term opportunity)

For Nestle to invest in BTCC is a coup for British Motorsport.

If it raises the awareness of racing with kids at the breakfast table, it will benefit all teams in BTCC


Original Poster:

4,841 posts

176 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
quotequote all
Agent86 said:
The vehicle looks magnificent unlike Shredded Wheat which must be the most dull, colourless and boring breakfast cereal ever put on sale.
Agreed. My Dad has been having that for his breakfast for nearly all of his adult life. Hes 80 next month, so it must be doing something good. I've tried it a couple of times and I don't like frown

Hugo a Gogo

23,399 posts

244 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
quotequote all
bit of cinnamon on it works wonders

about the only cereal that isn't full of sugar

all the cartoon characters on cereals are going to have to be dropped due to new rules, great opportunity for some new ideas for advertising

bring back the weetabix skinheads on a BTCC car, I say

Dave Brand

936 posts

279 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
quotequote all
"The Shredded Wheat brand is a catalyst for living life to the full".

Er, no ,it's breakfast cereal. Do these people actually believe the BS they spout?


326 posts

202 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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i believe they are fielding 3 cars too.....

Hugo a Gogo

23,399 posts

244 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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bet they can't....


2,479 posts

214 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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"The Shredded Wheat brand is a catalyst for living life to the full"



10,642 posts

232 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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This just brightened my day, what a superb looking thing.

I'm guessing somebody has already made one of these up in Forza etc.


6,973 posts

212 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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I want the Scalextric version of that!

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,886 posts

246 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Most memorable to me


6,619 posts

203 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Dave Brand said:
"The Shredded Wheat brand is a catalyst for living life to the full".

Er, no ,it's breakfast cereal. Do these people actually believe the BS they spout?
No, probably not. They are fulfilling contractual obligations to repeat the phrases concocted by the marketing team. Multinational corporations don't give vast amounts of money to a racing team out of the kindness of their hearts.

Matt Bird

1,488 posts

216 months

PH Reportery Lad

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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tim milne said:
Now we're talking!

tim milne

346 posts

244 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Matt Bird said:
tim milne said:
Now we're talking!

Janesy B

2,625 posts

197 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
quotequote all
Dave Brand said:
"The Shredded Wheat brand is a catalyst for living life to the full".

Er, no ,it's breakfast cereal. Do these people actually believe the BS they spout?
Well seeing as they want money to run their racing operations I'm sure they'll go along with what their marketing wants.


377 posts

108 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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I think this looks great - love it! Glad that Alex Martin's car will now not be the best looking Focus on the grid smile