2017 race Dates



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Monday 12th December 2016
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For 2017 John has worked closely With Bernies v8's Series to build a series of races that dont clash and arranged for DTEC racers to run in Bernies V8s races in a guest class.

The Full list of dates are :-

(BV8s)Donington GP 18/19th March. Double Header
(BV8s)Brands Hatch Grand Prix. Bank Holiday Monday 1st May. 1 x 40 minute race

(DTEC)Brands Hatch Indy - Day 4th June

(Speedfest-BV8s)Brands Hatch Indy June 10/11th 3 x 20 minute races

(DTEC) Days Castle Coomb July 15/16th. 3 races

(BV8s)Silverstone Intl. August 19/20th. 2 x 20 min races

(DTEC Days. Oulton Park. September 9th 2 races

(BV8s)Snetterton 300. September 24th 1 x 40 min Enduro

DTEC Championship Points will only be won at the DTEC meetings and there are no DTEC Championship available at the Bernies v8 races.

The DTEC rounds will be run on Slick tyres and Race Wets
The Bernies V8 rounds will run on List 1B treaded tyres and Race Wets

There is another possible Date with the Bentley Club at Silverstone TBC

Edited by Graham on Wednesday 14th December 10:16