Motor home and Tunnel X ing

Motor home and Tunnel X ing



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 21st November 2016
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I am taking my MotorHome and Trailer to Spa next year and need to do the crossing on the channel tunnel train because we are taking a dog with us and he can,t go in a cage on the ferry,s. The set up will be about 14 metres long.So does anyone have advise as to who to go through, discount codes, height restrictions and general info to help smooth the trip


1,025 posts

259 months

Monday 21st November 2016
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What are you going to do with the dog while you are at the circuit racing?!

Mrs Hui


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 21st November 2016
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Hi Maureen,

You are allowed dogs at Spa Summer classic on a lead in the paddock and around the track not in the pit lane though. We shall find some one who likes dogs who is not in our races which to be fair only usually has me and Bill Lancashire in it, (all the other TVR's are in the Ardenne race) to take him for a walk while we are racing for the hour or so for the three days. If not he will have to stay in the Motorhome as usual when we are away. He is most of the reason we bought a Motorhome as it is getting harder to find Good B & B who allow dogs in Cornwall.

We never get in the F1 garages and are in the lower outer paddocks again this year so it won't be a problem. It,s a huge race weekend with over 1,000 cars and a couple thousand people at least going. Have you been yet ?


1,025 posts

259 months

Monday 21st November 2016
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Goodness, I didn't know dogs were allowed at any race circuit!
Hugh raced at Spa in the days of the old Challenge - 2002 I think it was...a great weekend.


5,516 posts

275 months

Tuesday 22nd November 2016
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Hi mate

Can't help with the tunnel as I've always used yhe ferry...

Just love the fact that after 10yrs of dragging poor Debs around in the bought a motorhome for the dog!!! biggrin


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 22nd November 2016
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Glad you pointed that out Andy, Debbie is sat by my side as I type this but at least she now knows who the centre of my universe punch


516 posts

294 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2016
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77racing said:
I am taking my MotorHome and Trailer to Spa next year and need to do the crossing on the channel tunnel train because we are taking a dog with us and he can,t go in a cage on the ferry,s. The set up will be about 14 metres long.So does anyone have advise as to who to go through, discount codes, height restrictions and general info to help smooth the trip

Hi Perry & Debbie
We use the Tunnel and it cost nowt ( Tesco points ) and it's quick. We did take our dog when we raced at Lydden and it was great. So if we do Spa this year Marion would love to take the dog for a walk.

Pete x


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Thursday 24th November 2016
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That would be good peter / marion . we had confirmation a few weeks ago from the circuit that harry could go with us. Looking into his passport now. Marion would love Harry, he is a TVR nut through and through


516 posts

294 months

Thursday 24th November 2016
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Same here