Macau GP 2016



Original Poster:

1,635 posts

181 months

Saturday 19th November 2016
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Is anyone in the area heading along to spectate?

I was planning to head over for the races tomorrow - does anyone who has been/is going know if purchasing a grandstand ticket gives you general admission to wander around and view from different areas, or is it restricted to the seating?

Any other tips on viewing areas?

Thanks smile


2,316 posts

227 months

Saturday 19th November 2016
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There isn't really any "general admission" as such, unless you have access to a grandstand or high window. Most of the rest is hidden by buildings or screened off.


784 posts

201 months

Saturday 19th November 2016
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Anyone know what channel this is being shown on Sky?


Original Poster:

1,635 posts

181 months

Sunday 20th November 2016
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mike80 said:
There isn't really any "general admission" as such, unless you have access to a grandstand or high window. Most of the rest is hidden by buildings or screened off.
Thanks. Looks like there are only tickets left for one grandstand, will just go for that.