Getting a job in motorsport...

Getting a job in motorsport...



Original Poster:

432 posts

121 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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Edited by Joratk on Tuesday 15th November 01:13

Composite Guru

2,316 posts

214 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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I went from aircraft engineering into F1 but had a bit of a struggle getting in. Mech jobs were very hard to get as its very clicky so those jobs tend to go to mates mates etc.
I went into composites in the end and have been doing it for 18 years now.

I found that having a precision engineering background does help but this all depends what you want to do.


701 posts

192 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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I've been a motorsport nut for as long as I can remember, I am a mechanic by trade and eventually managed to become a race mechanic (not F1 or anything, but a European series). After trying fruitlessly for years to get into a racing team I managed it by doing some racing myself and meeting other racing folk, and then I heard of a job through the grapevine and off I went.
I also got my instructors licence so combined a bit of instructing with a bit of spanner turning and just about achieved a wage!
I don't do any of it now, both jobs pay peanuts, are hugely clique-y and are pretty seasonal. Also it turned what was my hobby into a bit of a chore, some people's dream is to turn their hobby into their job. For me it ended up sapping my enthusiasm for it.. Not saying everyone will feel the same, that's just my experience.
If I wanted to get involved again I'd look at some kind of retail business probably.


1,198 posts

235 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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If by career, you mean making your living from it, your best bet is to apply your current skills - advertising and marketing to it somehow.

Racing drivers can earn from instructing, experience days and driver coaching, but you need to have a racing background to draw from and to earn you the necessary qualifications to start instructor courses. So without any previous racing experience you'll need to do a couple of seasons to earn your stripes.


4,082 posts

131 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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Are you a member of a local motor club? plenty in NI lots of rallies to at least get your name "out There" be willing to do anything.


486 posts

161 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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4,922 posts

164 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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binnerboy said:
Helpful post there dick.

As for OP you really need to sit down and work out exactly what you want to do within motorsport, you have about 5 completely different jobs in your OP.

For example if you want to get into being a journalist just start writing now. Go to local event and write reports, I'm sure there are lots of small event who would love well written event reports for their websites, then use that experience to move up a level etc.

Edited by AndrewEH1 on Thursday 10th November 13:46


486 posts

161 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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AndrewEH1 said:
Helpful post there dick.

granted it was a bit dickish , however the first place to start is google.

Do some research

Shows you F1 teams are recruiting and the sorts of jobs that are currently advertised.


65 months

Friday 11th November 2016
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binnerboy said:
AndrewEH1 said:
Helpful post there dick.

Do some research

Shows you F1 teams are recruiting and the sorts of jobs that are currently advertised.
I doubt that there're many for candidates with no relevant experience or qualifications though, eh?


693 posts

223 months

Friday 11th November 2016
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Prodrive were/ are asking for applicants for its composite program - sounded/(s) quite interesting as they wanted no prior experience. No idea if it's still running or not;

Jerry Can

4,793 posts

234 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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Williams F1 are looking for 2 Business Management Graduates to to a grad trainee role in the business rotating across all functions.

Job is on their website and linkedin.


6,945 posts

174 months

Saturday 4th March 2017
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If it's spannering you're interested in, try starting with Classic race teams. They run everything from minis to 90's F1 and 2000 BTCC, and could open to the door to moderns.