2016 British Rallycross GP - Croft - 23rd October

2016 British Rallycross GP - Croft - 23rd October



Original Poster:

81 posts

124 months

Tuesday 25th October 2016
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I couldn't find a specific thread for it so here it goes. Despite the weather trying its best to spoil the day, there was sum great racing from everyone in all the heats and finals.

Here's my pics and vid if anyone interested.


(finals start at 26 min mark)



9,074 posts

155 months

Wednesday 26th October 2016
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Thanks for this - although we no longer have the glory days of the Inter Nations Cup at Croft I enjoyed the Grand Prix and I cannot stop raving about how good (in absolute terms, not just RallyX ) Daniel Rooke is . Shame that Croft track is so bloody awful - can't get near enough to the track on the more interesting bits and a pale shadow of the configuration we had for the Internations back in the day . You could get very close and some of the longer corners were amazing , with Gollop sideways for 100 yards or more .


4,083 posts

131 months

Wednesday 26th October 2016
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Things have moved on from the "glory days" not least a bit more consideration for safety not only competitors but spectators as well. So yes spectators are further away then they used to be. Still plenty of places where you can see the whole track, in fact there aren't that many where you cant. You can certainly see more of the circuit than you can at Pembery and Mondello Park.


37,496 posts

238 months

Wednesday 26th October 2016
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coppice said:
Shame that Croft track is so bloody awful - can't get near enough to the track on the more interesting bits and a pale shadow of the configuration we had for the Internations back in the day . You could get very close and some of the longer corners were amazing , with Gollop sideways for 100 yards or more .
Oh, yes, that damp, foggy, cold, '87 Internations Cup at Croft was a memorable event indeed.