WEC Fuji



Original Poster:

4,131 posts

225 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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No posts about Fuji? Well I've just watched the last 2 hours on the WEC app and it was a bloody fantastic race. Try and see it if you can, breathtakingly close in LMP1 and LMP2 right to the line, great racing on track and fascinating strategy calls in the pits.


1,656 posts

218 months

Monday 17th October 2016
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It was a fantastic race.


4,747 posts

233 months

Monday 17th October 2016
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Watched the last 45 minutes on the re-run on motors to last night - fantastic race and real good advert for endurance racing.


1,824 posts

209 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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I just finished watching the full 6hrs and what an amazing race it was.

It's interesting to note that there are only 3 comments on what was probably one of the best motorsport races this year. Had this been an F1 battle there would be 60 pages praising how amazing it was. WEC has an amazing product and it needs to do better and getting people to see it and engage with it.

I think it's sad how many manufactures are putting money into Formula E when we have the best racing in sports cars right now.

Looking forward to the last 2 of the season.

Alex Langheck

835 posts

140 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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sirtyro said:
I just finished watching the full 6hrs and what an amazing race it was.

It's interesting to note that there are only 3 comments on what was probably one of the best motorsport races this year. Had this been an F1 battle there would be 60 pages praising how amazing it was. WEC has an amazing product and it needs to do better and getting people to see it and engage with it.

I think it's sad how many manufactures are putting money into Formula E when we have the best racing in sports cars right now.

Looking forward to the last 2 of the season.
Have to agree. Not only the Fuji 6 Hours, but there was some great Motorsport over the weekend - but very little in the way of comments in here. Yet inane non F1 stories/ threads get massive interest. Bizarre. More proof that to most people Motorsport=F1.


27,225 posts

192 months

Saturday 22nd October 2016
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The problem is they're not always very accessible!

I've been watching as much as I can on the WEC app this year, 30 quid is a bargain for a whole season's racing.