Today I did something I never thought I'd be able to (BTCC)

Today I did something I never thought I'd be able to (BTCC)



Original Poster:

2,872 posts

169 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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I went out as a passenger in a BTCC car at Rockingham

Two reasons I never expected it to happen, first of all I'm the worst passenger in the world and get travel sick and secondly, it's a BTCC car and you don't ever get the opportunity!

Did two outings, the first one it had just started to rain so on the way in to turn four, a fast right hander, he back stepped out and we ended up on the grass very sideways, got going again and came in.

Second trip was a bit more of a success, anyone who knows Rockingham will know how intimidating turn one can be because of the wall, so doing it flat on sixth gear was quite something! The one thing which really takes you by surprise isn't the grip or the acceleration it's the brakes, you go well past the point you'd feel comfortable braking then still make it round the corner!

Awesome experience, if anyone offers you the chance, grab it with both hands!


1,222 posts

230 months

Friday 14th October 2016
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How did you manage to do this?

How did the car feel? Properly quick? Immense cornering speed?


19,266 posts

178 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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If nothing else Smith is consistent when it comes to going off hehe

That looks like huge fun dude! I'm still gutted Donington binned off the idea of the BTCC experience driving day.


7,225 posts

197 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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What a fantastic experience, even with the grassy moment!


Original Poster:

2,872 posts

169 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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molineux1980 said:
How did you manage to do this?

How did the car feel? Properly quick? Immense cornering speed?
I work for one of the sponsors, this was one of the perks.

Cornering speed is what you'd expect but the thing it does really well is accelerate between corners, it doesn't seem to struggle for traction, just puts the power down effortlessly. (I'm sure it's not like that really but as a passenger it seems that way)