T5 challenge gearbox for a Cerbera

T5 challenge gearbox for a Cerbera



Original Poster:

2,277 posts

175 months

Sunday 9th October 2016
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I broke 5th gear of my T5 last night, and back in 2012 blew 3rd.

Could someone let me know if an AJP Challenge gearbox (or internals) is a viable option for a 4.5 Cerbera?

Many thanks

Edited by aide on Monday 10th October 08:54


16,373 posts

295 months

Sunday 9th October 2016
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You probably wouldnt want the straight cut 5th in a road ar due to the noise... but give john reid a bell about the other mods he does to make the box stronger


15,403 posts

280 months

Sunday 9th October 2016
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I Can't really help with the actual problem, but am curious about high rpm in 5th..... Where were you? And what rpm/speed?


Original Poster:

2,277 posts

175 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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Graham said:
You probably wouldnt want the straight cut 5th in a road ar due to the noise... but give john reid a bell about the other mods he does to make the box stronger
Thanks Graham, will do.


5,092 posts

278 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Bernie at Competition Transmission Services used to do a set of strengthened gears for the T5 gearbox. I used one in my Tuscan back in the day:



Original Poster:

2,277 posts

175 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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teamHOLDENracing said:
Bernie at Competition Transmission Services used to do a set of strengthened gears for the T5 gearbox. I used one in my Tuscan back in the day:

Thanks Andy, I was looking at the Quaife gearkit's they do actually.


Original Poster:

2,277 posts

175 months

Wednesday 21st December 2016
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Just to add..

I got a second hand CR Quaife in the end.

What a difference the closer ratios make. It's a different car.
