Tordoff to chuck it in and become an accountant?

Tordoff to chuck it in and become an accountant?



Original Poster:

17,803 posts

216 months

Friday 7th October 2016
quotequote all
Best 'racer might be packing it in to pursue his dream in accountancy' story ever.


1,146 posts

185 months

Friday 7th October 2016
quotequote all
With a glamoursheadline like that do you work for the daily mail?

A. He is already an accountant
B. His family own a firm with turnover of £1bn so it's hardly banks reconcilations that he will be doing
C. This has already been covered extensively in the BTCC thread


Original Poster:

17,803 posts

216 months

Friday 7th October 2016
quotequote all
You've got me bang to rights there.

Chris Sideways

431 posts

263 months

Friday 7th October 2016
quotequote all
That should save Daddy a few quid,unless he's going to earn 700k as an accountantsmile

Chris Sideways

431 posts

263 months

Friday 7th October 2016
quotequote all
That should save Daddy a few quid,unless he's going to earn 700k as an accountantsmile

Adrian W

14,501 posts

239 months

Saturday 8th October 2016
quotequote all
Best I'm so loaded I have the choice story this week


19,266 posts

178 months

Monday 10th October 2016
quotequote all
Chris Sideways said:
That should save Daddy a few quid,unless he's going to earn 700k as an accountantsmile
JCT600 are Tordoff's main sponsor, fortunately sponsorship can be tax deductible.... hehe


3,249 posts

229 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
quotequote all
blimey.....I can smell the jealousy from here......rolleyes