Karting tuition in the East Midlands

Karting tuition in the East Midlands



Original Poster:

28,176 posts

233 months

Friday 7th October 2016
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Does anyone know of anywhere in the East Midlands that does karting tuition for youngsters (10-11 years).

I can only find places in the West Mids on Google and it's a bit of a schlep.

Many thanks


356 posts

270 months

Friday 14th October 2016
quotequote all

Speak to Jay Sheperd via here http://www.team7racing.co.uk/


Original Poster:

28,176 posts

233 months

Friday 14th October 2016
quotequote all
Maxx said:
Speak to Jay Sheperd via here http://www.team7racing.co.uk/
Thanks Maxx, I will do that.