BTCC Season Finale: Brands Hatch GP

BTCC Season Finale: Brands Hatch GP



Original Poster:

2,039 posts

173 months

Wednesday 28th September 2016
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So only 3 days to go before Brands Hatch GP biggrin

Looking at the championship, I'm fully expecting it to come down to Race 3. I'd love to see Sam win, but I'm going to stick my neck out and say that it'll be Gordon Shedden winning as he seems really fired up. At least the weather forecast is looking dry!

Presuming Ed

1,563 posts

219 months

Wednesday 28th September 2016
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Anyone but the Hondas


3,249 posts

229 months

Wednesday 28th September 2016
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Presuming Ed said:
Anyone but the Hondas
yep.....anyone but them


1,146 posts

185 months

Wednesday 28th September 2016
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shouting for tordoff

I'm an evil bd so I hope that Matt neal takes out Gordon shedden out as just karma for both of their poor driving over the last few years.


781 posts

157 months

Wednesday 28th September 2016
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Going as I got free tickets from Renaultsport! Would love to see Jackson take it, or if not another first time winner would be great

Save Ferris

2,714 posts

224 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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Hoping to see some of the young guns pushing for the front, while (perhaps) the title contenders maybe more cautious in avoiding damage, or not!!!

I'd like to see anyone but Collard win the Championship.


2,322 posts

158 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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Rob197 said:
Going as I got free tickets from Renaultsport! Would love to see Jackson take it, or if not another first time winner would be great
Same here! Special parking too which is nice as last time I went to BTCC finals we queued for 2hr just to get out the car park.

Also rooting for Jackson, but feel Turkington probably deserves it more as he's the only one that can pass without contact hehe

Hondas be damned - karma for their general shuntiness.


2,141 posts

192 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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My Daughter and I will be there this Sunday. My Boss gave me one of his paddock passes so we can have a good stroll about smile

I'd like to see Tordoff take the title. Be nice to have another new champion and he's been very consistent this year!

Iva Barchetta

44,044 posts

174 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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Will the Hondas have enough grunt for the longer GP layout ?

And they'll have big ballast in race 1 and score poorly.

I'd like to see Mat Jackson do well but fear he's too far off in points.


127 posts

120 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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For me I'd love to see Mat get the title... but if no then it has to be Mr Tordoff...

Marc W

3,782 posts

222 months

Friday 30th September 2016
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Iva Barchetta said:
Will the Hondas have enough grunt for the longer GP layout ?

And they'll have big ballast in race 1 and score poorly.

I'd like to see Mat Jackson do well but fear he's too far off in points.
They've won at Snetterton and Silverstone this year so that suggests they have enough power.


378 posts

143 months

Friday 30th September 2016
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zeb said:
Presuming Ed said:
Anyone but the Hondas
yep.....anyone but them
Why the Honda hate?, Neal yes but I've thought sheddons drove quite clean this year


Original Poster:

2,039 posts

173 months

Saturday 1st October 2016
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bigvanfan said:
zeb said:
Presuming Ed said:
Anyone but the Hondas
yep.....anyone but them
Why the Honda hate?, Neal yes but I've thought sheddons drove quite clean this year
My exact thoughts as well, some of the Gordon Shedden's driving this year has been amazing.

Equally, I think Sam Tordoff and Mat Jackson would be deserving championship winners.


7,225 posts

197 months

Saturday 1st October 2016
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I'm hoping Tordoff takes the title, or at least we get a new champion yes


821 posts

153 months

Saturday 1st October 2016
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Qualifying on now, 20 minutes or so left:

Aaron Smith currently on his side eek


684 posts

211 months

Saturday 1st October 2016
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Gonna be a memorable Race One tomorrow!
Rob in result for us......EVER biggrin

ETA make that P2 bounce

Edited by alsaautomotive on Saturday 1st October 17:33

Tom failed ride height check.

Edited by alsaautomotive on Saturday 1st October 17:37

shake n bake

2,221 posts

218 months

Saturday 1st October 2016
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alsaautomotive said:
Gonna be a memorable Race One tomorrow!
Rob in result for us......EVER biggrin

ETA make that P2 bounce

Edited by alsaautomotive on Saturday 1st October 17:33
What do you know that's not been put online yet? Who's been disqualified?


684 posts

211 months

Saturday 1st October 2016
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Sorry...........must have been amending post when you replied!
Tom failed ride height check.

shake n bake

2,221 posts

218 months

Saturday 1st October 2016
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alsaautomotive said:
Sorry...........must have been amending post when you replied!
Tom failed ride height check.
That makes sense, thanks. Great for rob but listen to the commentators whine about their favourite being disqualified! laugh


684 posts

211 months

Saturday 1st October 2016
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shake n bake said:
That makes sense, thanks. Great for rob but listen to the commentators whine about their favourite being disqualified! laugh
LOL, Tom's a good guy & Speedworks are a great team. Not the ideal way for us to get P2, but Rob put himself in contention with a great set of laps. I know everyone at Handy is beyond delighted with this.........means a helluva lot particularly with Rob confirming for next year thumbup