George Carter



Original Poster:

1,025 posts

259 months

Monday 26th September 2016
quotequote all
Maureen & I would like to propose a vote of thanks to George for all his efforts on behalf of,supplying programme info to the BRSCC, race reports etc.

Many thanks, George.


3,386 posts

282 months

Monday 26th September 2016
quotequote all
Seconded, George puts loads of work in behind the scenes, and he's a thoroughly nice chap as well.

Mike Blake

83 posts

210 months

Monday 26th September 2016
quotequote all
Thirded - well done George (I even saw some piccies of the nice white Griffith....)


240 posts

143 months

Monday 26th September 2016
quotequote all
Many thanks George and all who work behind the scenes . Keep taking lots of pictures of your old charge .

MH Dneg

152 posts

145 months

Tuesday 27th September 2016
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Many thanks to George and all those who give it their all to help support us, to be able to race these amazing machines in this wonderful series.


514 posts

199 months

Tuesday 27th September 2016
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Same here well done George


165 posts

295 months

Wednesday 28th September 2016
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Thanks All,
Been away on a short holiday and just seen this.
Good time to remind certain drivers that content is needed for profiles etc.
If anyone has any content or ideas for things to be included on the website drop me a line.
Pictures are available just ask. There maybe a season review DVD available if there is enough interest.


bill tvr

359 posts

189 months

Wednesday 28th September 2016
quotequote all
Well done George