Flag signals



Original Poster:

1,997 posts

215 months

Friday 23rd September 2016
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Don't you think that the current system of flags needs improvement, especially in rally?
Fortunately, there is already an established system in another discipline, marine navigation, where the whole alphabet can be signalled in flags.
But whole words would be too clumsy, so many messages have useful codes. For just a few of the most useful, viz:

AC - I am abandoning my vessel. [only to be hoisted once aground in the gravel trap?]

LO - I am not in my correct position. [Also YOU are not... Start Line marshal]

RU - Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty. [Instead of the duffer's cross]

AN - I need a doctor.

NC - I am in distress and require immediate assistance.

SO - You should stop your vessel instantly. [So much more easily seen than the Black Flag]

BR - I require a helicopter. [For use when sponsors disappointed]

PD - Your navigation lights are not visible.

UM - the Harbour [Pit lane] is closed to traffic.

CD - I require immediate assistance.

PP - Keep well clear of me. [Duffer's Cross substitute]

UP - Permission to enter Harbour [Pit Lane] is urgently requested. I have an emergency.

DV - I am drifting.

QD - I am going ahead. [for hoisting after a spin]

YU - I am going to communicate with your station by means of the International code of signals. [as opposed to two fingers?]

EF - SOS/MAYDAY has been cancelled. [Race meeting over?]

QT - I am going astern. [for hoisting during a spin]

ZD1 - Please report me to the Coast Guard, New York [?? CoC?]

FA - Will you give me my position?

QQ - I require health clearance.

ZD2 - Please report me to Lloyds, London.

GW - Person overboard. Please take action to pick him up. [rallies only]

QU - Anchoring is prohibited. [marshals only?]

ZL - Your signal has been received but not understood. [Pit board upside down]

JL - You are running the risk of going aground. [another marshal-only flag?]

QX - I request permission to anchor.



3,280 posts

167 months

Friday 23rd September 2016
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NO! they are adequate as they are....they just need drivers and clerks to enforce them correctly. waved yellows mean slow down and be prepared to stop...not go as fast as I think I can get away with


118 posts

146 months

Friday 23rd September 2016
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tapkaJohnD said:
DV - I am drifting
I wouldn't want to be a Marshal at a drift event in this case getmecoat


684 posts

211 months

Saturday 24th September 2016
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Personally I think all ARDS applicants should have to spend a day at a marshal post.


Original Poster:

1,997 posts

215 months

Saturday 24th September 2016
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Serious SoH shortage here!