Dunlop tyres 2017



Original Poster:

240 posts

143 months

Monday 15th August 2016
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Don't know if there will be any changes for us as Dunlop are changing compounds and sizes of their Btcc tyres , which are the same as many of us use . New tyres to be softer wider and taller and went very well at the recent Snetterton test . Don't know if old spec will still be available so might try to make up sets for testing whilst still available .


3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 16th August 2016
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Hi Man,

I think you will find you can no longer get 250-640-18 anymore. I have three new sets of this size of which I will sell two if anyone wants them. If not I will get a load of smiles melting them myself.biggrin


16,373 posts

295 months

Tuesday 16th August 2016
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If its anything like the current dunlop historic tyres they will be fking st.... made of cheese and whatever else they could find lying around in Portugal. cork probably...

I know thruxton is abrasive. but we scrapped two tyres in an hour, and the healy next to us was throught the canvas on brand new tyres !!! we used to use 2 sets a season ... now its a set will not last a race...


3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 16th August 2016
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Graham said:
If its anything like the current dunlop historic tyres they will be fking st.... made of cheese and whatever else they could find lying around in Portugal. cork probably...

I know thruxton is abrasive. but we scrapped two tyres in an hour, and the healy next to us was throught the canvas on brand new tyres !!! we used to use 2 sets a season ... now its a set will not last a race...
What was the grip and handling like though ? My 888,s looked like brand new after the first 25 min test on Friday........................arr that was all the running I did all weekend biggrin


16,373 posts

295 months

Tuesday 16th August 2016
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grip and handling shocking as well. much worse than they used to be..


1,940 posts

281 months

Wednesday 17th August 2016
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I used the BTCC tyres at Anglesey (medium compound) - seemed OK with a reasonable amount of grip through Church. biggrin