RV8 Alternator



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Sunday 14th August 2016
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Can some one post a link for the smaller/lighter Alternator for the Rover V8 please. I think it is from the Komatsu mini digger but that's as far as I have got at the moment. I know Brise do a light weight version but I was wanting the £50 version now I have a rebuild to pay for biggrin


872 posts

185 months

Sunday 14th August 2016
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Hi Perry.

Ive got a wosp one on mine, cant.remember the exact part number but its a tiny little thing. Never had any issues with mine and wasnt the end of the world to buy either!

Whats happened to your motor? Not too major I hope?


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Sunday 14th August 2016
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Thanx Dave
for that, do you have a model number off it so I can check it out. Not got into it yet, will let you know.


872 posts

185 months

Monday 15th August 2016
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Hi Perry.

Will have a look and let you know. Still got the box in the garage I believe (car is with engine builder).



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 15th August 2016
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that would be great dave cheers


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 16th August 2016
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My car will be running the usual and a 044 pump plus two red top lift pumps next year. will 6o amp be enough or should I go for a 65-75 amp ? .