End of season dinner dance.

End of season dinner dance.



Original Poster:

88 posts

168 months

Friday 12th August 2016
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The dinner dance at the Wild Boar Hotel on 17 September after Oulton is still very much on, despite some pessimistic talk, apparently, at Anglesey.

John Reid has also booked (at his expense) a professional comedian on top of the disco and everything else planned for the evening. He has also visited the Wild Boar and given it an emphatic seal of approval as a good venue (as well as it being only about three miles from the circuit).

We are hoping for a good turnout for what should be a very good and, traditionally, well-attended event.

A quick reminder of the procedure:

37 rooms have been block booked for TVR.
The cost is £93.00 per head for dinner/dance bed and breakfast or £55.00 per head for the dinner/dance only. The price includes 10 bottles of wine per table, assuming 10 tables (or pro-rata per table) and a pre-dinner champagne reception.

Rooms can be booked direct with the Wild Boar over the 'phone (01829 260309) without any up-front payment, which can be made nearer the time.

Any queries please e mail me at 'martin.crass@btinternet.com' or call me on 01553 827383 or 07802 729900 .




872 posts

185 months

Friday 12th August 2016
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Sadly we won't make it... Car will definately not be ready for OP and too much on sadly this year...

Not sure what to do about dads memorial trophy either to be honest! Shame it's not the usual October time! Lol.

I do know that several characters will be racing elsewhere that weekend too which may well effect numbers too.


bill tvr

359 posts

189 months

Friday 12th August 2016
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Hi Martin
The trouble is now that communication on this site is very sparce ... And nobody wants to commit
I would suggest an email to all the racers ..copying us all in ..and get some numbers


Original Poster:

88 posts

168 months

Friday 12th August 2016
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My post was just a start and direct communication is in hand.

Also, quite a few people have committed already. Hope to see you there.

bill tvr

359 posts

189 months

Saturday 13th August 2016
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I was only conveying what I had heard in passing at our last race
Let's see a list of who's committed so far and let's add to it


514 posts

199 months

Saturday 13th August 2016
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I will be going and staying over its a beautiful place

bill tvr

359 posts

189 months

Saturday 13th August 2016
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We will be too


1,025 posts

259 months

Saturday 13th August 2016
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We are booked in too


3,386 posts

282 months

Saturday 13th August 2016
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Marlene and I will be in attendance.


16,373 posts

295 months

Tuesday 16th August 2016
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Hi Martin. Sadly as you know I cant make it this year as we have a car in the 6 hour at Spa that weekend.

So come on guys everyone who can go pull your finger out and put your money down. Martin and John have spent time and money to organise it so they need numbers or their deposit back !!!!

A couple of the usual suspects will be missing but it will be a great night so have fun



Original Poster:

88 posts

168 months

Tuesday 16th August 2016
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Thanks Graham. In fact the numbers going to both Oulton Park and the diner dance are looking pretty healthy already


16,373 posts

295 months

Tuesday 16th August 2016
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great news. gutted i cant be there. but the 6 hour has been the focus all year


Original Poster:

88 posts

168 months

Thursday 18th August 2016
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UPDATE: More than half the allocated rooms for TVR on 17 September are now booked. So if you are intending to go please let me know or call the Wild Board direct on 01829 260309 to book. There will be a cut-off date for bookings so please act sooner rather than later if you are going. If you know anybody who may not read the Forum but would like to go please pass this on.




Original Poster:

88 posts

168 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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There are now just six rooms left out of the TVR allocation at the Wold Boar hotel for the 17 September. So can anybody who has yet to book a room do so as soon as possible. Tel: 01829 260309.



Original Poster:

88 posts

168 months

Thursday 8th September 2016
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With just over a week to go, could I ask that anybody who has not paid for their place at the dinner dance, please do so now as the hotel has to be paid in full on Monday.

Details again: Dinner/dance, bed and breakfast - £93 per person. Dinner dance only £55 per person.

Payment to: Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 30 90 77
Account number: 00908999



PS. There will be a guest speaker who has forgotten more about the TVR Tuscan Challenge than most people know. So plenty of anecdotes to look forward to (it's not me!).


Original Poster:

88 posts

168 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Thanks to everyone who's coming to the dinner dance on Saturday. I am sure it will be a great night.

Dress code is either black tie or smart suit.

The evening will start at 7.45 to 8.0pm to allow for the late finish at Oulton.



1,025 posts

259 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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MCR said:
Thanks to everyone who's coming to the dinner dance on Saturday. I am sure it will be a great night.

Dress code is either black tie or smart suit.

The evening will start at 7.45 to 8.0pm to allow for the late finish at Oulton.

What time do we "sit down for dinner" Martin?


Original Poster:

88 posts

168 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Between 8 and 8.15. The reception start time has only been put back from 7.30pm originally.



1,025 posts

259 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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MCR said:

Between 8 and 8.15. The reception start time has only been put back from 7.30pm originally.

Thanks, Martin

bill tvr

359 posts

189 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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I've spoken with BRSCC and attemps have been made to change the race times but to no avail
With the last race ,would it not be better doing the podium presentation at the hotel