Silverstone 13th August

Silverstone 13th August


Chris Patey

Original Poster:

189 posts

215 months

Wednesday 10th August 2016
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Is there an entry list for both the endurance and production rounds for the weekend anywhere, I can only see the garage plan on the website?


2,382 posts

212 months

Wednesday 10th August 2016
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On the Facebook page.


4,084 posts

131 months

Thursday 11th August 2016
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Blimey that's a bit dire entry. No wonder the meeting is struggling for marshals.


3,178 posts

270 months

Wednesday 24th August 2016
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Drumroll said:
Blimey that's a bit dire entry. No wonder the meeting is struggling for marshals.
They were struggling for marshals mainly because of the Truck meeting on the National circuit, and action at Donington and Thruxton on the same days. Small pool with much happening.

There has been some fantastic racing happening in Britcar this year, hopefully grids will grow next year now people have seen it running