Used tyres?



Original Poster:

4,112 posts

235 months

Monday 8th August 2016
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Hi guys, somebody told me yesterday that there is a company which sells off part worn Michelin tyres from your race series? We use the same tyres for sprints / hillclimbs in the production classes. Does anyone have any details? Many thanks, Lee


10 posts

137 months

Monday 8th August 2016
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Lee, I've just sent you a message. Thanks Stuart


Original Poster:

4,112 posts

235 months

Monday 8th August 2016
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Thanks mate! Would you mind sending it to 07801 495568 as I cannot seem to open it??

Mr Overheads

2,504 posts

187 months

Monday 15th August 2016
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Can someone pm me that same link please. I race a G40 and no idea I could buy used tyres.


149 posts

287 months

Friday 23rd March 2018
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I too would be interested in part worn tyres if 13" or 15"?