Rockingham for BTCC - seating / access?

Rockingham for BTCC - seating / access?



Original Poster:

17,642 posts

210 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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Going to Rockingham later this month for the first time. Regular at Donington so used to being able to walk around and use various view points.

Understand from the website that Rockingham uses the grandstand seating....

Is this the only option or can you also walk around the track as you can at other circuits?

Where is the best view point?


1,228 posts

162 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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You can get up on top of the pit lane which gets you close to most of the action there.

The good thing about Rockingham is that you can see 95% of the circuit from the grandstand (and on top of the pit lane). I don't think you can get infield at all.

PS: it's normally really windy so take warm clothes even if it's sunny.


2,316 posts

227 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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There is also a little viewing area at the back of the paddock where you can get close to Tarzan hairpin, but otherwise it's the garage roof or the stands.


1,198 posts

235 months

Tuesday 9th August 2016
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Plenty of seating - although its only the main grandstand - the outer grandstands are apparently subsiding - anyway, they're never open. Choose from low or high up.

Otherwise you've got the pit garage roof terrace, or an area near Tarzan hairpin.