Silverstone Classic My take

Silverstone Classic My take


Stevie Borowik

Original Poster:

281 posts

194 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2016
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Hi all. This is just a selection of my favourite image I captured ove the weekend.

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Silverstone Classic 2016 by Stevie Borowik, on Flickr

Thank you for looking and I apologise for the Group C heavy thread.

Stevie Borowik


22,227 posts

244 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2016
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Very nice pictures.

Thanks for posting.


28,406 posts

124 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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Amazing photos!

Looks like a great weekend, it has been a few years since I went, would love to go again.


9,075 posts

155 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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Great pics of a great meeting. I was there from Thursday pm to Sun pm , walked 17 miles (my phone tells me ) and loved every minute. Lots of highlights - but nothing better than standing 15' from 8800cc Chevy V8 McLaren M8F when it fired up. I did secretly wish all those PHers who so earnestly insist that various iterations of M3 or AMG 6.3 are the best sounding cars - EVER - had been there to hear what a real noise sounds like....


5,359 posts

185 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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Some great pictures there!


771 posts

168 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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What was the attendance like? I went a few years ago and it was well attended, really quite busy until the last couple of races. From the photos I've seen though the grandstands seems pretty bare and not many walking around, or is that just because even with half full capacity Silverstone looks empty?


16,980 posts

112 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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designndrive62 said:
What was the attendance like?
It was just right, from a visitor's point of view, I'd say: neither felt crowded, nor sparse.

Any more and the pits area and 'retail village' would have started to feel crowded, and the queues for the buses to move around the circuit would have become a pain.


22,227 posts

244 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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coppice said:
Great pics of a great meeting. I was there from Thursday pm to Sun pm , walked 17 miles (my phone tells me ) and loved every minute. Lots of highlights - but nothing better than standing 15' from 8800cc Chevy V8 McLaren M8F when it fired up. I did secretly wish all those PHers who so earnestly insist that various iterations of M3 or AMG 6.3 are the best sounding cars - EVER - had been there to hear what a real noise sounds like....

Noise you can feel!

Stevie Borowik

Original Poster:

281 posts

194 months

Friday 5th August 2016
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Rude-boy said:

Noise you can feel!
I loved the Matra's V12 screaming and noise you can feel Stand 10' from a top fuel dragster you can feel that, it's like nothing else you'll ever experience!

RE spectator numbers apparently over 100,000 attended over the weekend. There was more people on the Friday than the last 2 years I have covered the event. I feel it is very well attended for a classic meeting but maybe that is because of the eclectic mix of cars.

I managed to walk just over 34 miles over the three day event so my poor feet knew about it.

Glad you like the images, there are more on my flickr if you follow the links above.



2,276 posts

203 months

Friday 5th August 2016
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coppice said:
Great pics of a great meeting. I was there from Thursday pm to Sun pm , walked 17 miles (my phone tells me ) and loved every minute. Lots of highlights - but nothing better than standing 15' from 8800cc Chevy V8 McLaren M8F when it fired up. I did secretly wish all those PHers who so earnestly insist that various iterations of M3 or AMG 6.3 are the best sounding cars - EVER - had been there to hear what a real noise sounds like....
I'm nodding as I read that...


3,483 posts

221 months

Saturday 6th August 2016
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Fabulous pictures. This was my 4th year in a row attending and it seemed alot busier on the Sunday. The racing as per normal was fantastic and the sound of that F1 Mclaren was sublime as it opened up down Wellington. God how I miss the noise of F1. Also enjoyed the Boomtown Rats. Love him or loathe him he puts on a good show.

sly fox

2,282 posts

230 months

Sunday 7th August 2016
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Interesting views - actually i attended Saturday's classic and was really disappointed.
I didn't think there was anywhere near as many races as previous years, and the 'demonstration' sessions , with collections of cars just going around the circuit at various levels of enthusiasm were actually boring.

The totally inept traffic management of Silverstone also came into play early morning. 90 mins delay to get into the circuit.

When i got there, i have to say the grandstands were very empty, started off at Club, moved to the international pit straight, then around to Luffield, woodgate and lastly Village.

None of the stands even approaching being full. I think most people were in the centre at the car clubs/ events section rather than watching the racing.
Says it all really.

Won't be going again. Maybe it's lost the novelty, and maybe i've seen the same cars too many times before (attend silverstone classic and most Goodwood events every year).


9,075 posts

155 months

Monday 8th August 2016
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As many races as most years I think. I agree about the demos- it may be nice to see an F1 GTR but the attraction of a dozen sedately driven 911 variants can pall quickly.

I do wish some more stands would open up - especially the open ones at Village as the covered one quickly fills up. I found it as busy as ever- lots of stuff going on in both pits and a general buzz about the place- which was lacking last year, and not only because of the rain. The highlight was seeing Can Am cars close up -and hearing them. I could have wished for more of them but a little M8F music can go a long way .

Access - I am an early riser and stay 20 miles away, the run to the circuit on (literally ) empty roads in my Seven is a part of the fun anyway . I choose my b and b location very carefully so I don't go near any major roads until I arrive in Silverstone village .On friday there was a 10-15 minute wait at 8am so on Sunday I arrived a bit earlier and sailed in at 7.30am and watched the balloons land with my bacon sandwich .There are much worse ways to start your day.

Car club stands- I am on one but rarely spend much time there . Each to their own but I really cannot see the appeal of sitting in a deck chair for 3 days surrounded by cars like the one I own - I would rather be looking at the action - but I will confess to spending some time perving over early 911s, Bristols and older Ferraris and Maseratis .

I loved my 3 and a half days at the Classic - with 1200 racing cars to look at and listen to how could I not ?


22,227 posts

244 months

Monday 8th August 2016
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Drove straight in at 7:15 every morning, staying in a house in Whittlebury.

To a degree familiarity breads contempt but one of the interesting things has been to watch the evolution of the race cars out there. 10 years ago how many would have had a TVR Grif Mk1 down as a potential winner against a Cobra?

For me though it has become more about particular cars. This year the Matras got me interested. One of the biggest shames though is that due to the increase in value of them we are unlikely to ever see a 917 and a 512 being pushed to the absolute limits, swapping paint, as we did only a few years back.


81 posts

124 months

Tuesday 9th August 2016
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Hi there, a bit late on sharing my pics n vids from the Classic. Was another great 3 days filled with action aplenty in all the races. As always a great selection of cars, not just in racers but also normal road cars. It seamed to be a lot less hustle and bustle as last year, dunno if this was down to lower spectator numbers?

Any way here's my pics on flickr:

And my vids from each of the 3 days:

Friday -

Saturday -

Sunday -