Silverstone Classic 2016 on TV?

Silverstone Classic 2016 on TV?


The Hypno-Toad

Original Poster:

12,793 posts

216 months

Monday 1st August 2016
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Just wondering if anyone knew if any of the event will be cropping on TV shortly? I seem to remember that previous years have been televised. Did a quick google and couldn't find anything.

Thanks in advance.


8,243 posts

224 months

Monday 1st August 2016
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For the last 2 years a 1 hour highlights package has normally appeared on ITV4 about 6 to 8 weeks after the event.

In those cases it was broadcast after the end of the live BTCC coverage on Sunday, so possibly expect something to be announced for scheduling around the BTCC weekends at Rockingham or Silverstone.

Not sure on the situation with Motors TV now, but they also used to carry a similar (possibly the same?) highlights package too a month or so after the event.

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Tuesday 2nd August 00:43


62 posts

162 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2016
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It's on ITV4 next Thursday August 11th at 9pm. No doubt they will repeat it for a while.

The Hypno-Toad

Original Poster:

12,793 posts

216 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2016
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Excellent. Thanks for that. thumbup