Meeke Does it again



Original Poster:

8,528 posts

252 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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Another Win for the DS3 in Finland. And Breen comes in third.


836 posts

238 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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I think there's a thread about this ..


4,131 posts

225 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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To be fair, he could have meant that Meeke had binned it within sight of the finish again hehe

Brilliant result though, must be a chance of a championship next year please please please


11,198 posts

187 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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giveitfish said:
To be fair, he could have meant that Meeke had binned it within sight of the finish again hehe

Brilliant result though, must be a chance of a championship next year please please please
I've put my head in my hands a few times, with Chris Meeke, but this is an amazing result.

The first British driver ever to win the Finnish WRC round. McRae never did it, nor Burns, so this is a truly historic result and he deserves all credit for his performance.

The times on Onionpuha were frankly incredible!



2,255 posts

255 months

Monday 1st August 2016
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Nice to see it recognised on BBC News today. That's a big step forward for rally PR compared to the last few years.