Touring cars Btcc live now on to from Snetterton

Touring cars Btcc live now on to from Snetterton



Original Poster:

13,367 posts

248 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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Just in case you didn't know live today on Itv4 race one starts in ten mins race 2 after 2 and race 3 around 5.

Ozzie Osmond

21,189 posts

257 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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That's good, thanks! Something to look at before falling asleep in front of the F1....


821 posts

153 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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Also a few hours left of the Spa 24 hours to occupy your laptop/PC screens in the advert breaks, all live here:

Riley Blue

22,046 posts

237 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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Live on MotorsTV the Blancpain GT Series Spa 24hrs - proper motor racing wink

ETA - beaten to it!

Jw Vw

4,871 posts

174 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
quotequote all
MyVTECGoesBwaaah said:
Also a few hours left of the Spa 24 hours to occupy your laptop/PC screens in the advert breaks, all live here:
Just tuned in thumbup