Thruxton TV Coverage



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Saturday 30th July 2016
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For those interested in the 13th and 14th August Thruxton races, these are to be aired on Sky Motors TV 445 and on Virgin media 545 on

Wed 7th Sept 20.00
Wed 14th Sept 19.25
Wed 21st Sept 19.25


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 12th September 2016
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Loads of TV time for Dean in his car. Dodgy interview with him, fancy admitting speeding in the pit lane on TV wink good third place despite the stop and go, big grid, heck do those M3's shift. going to ask the office if I can join in next year in my Chevrolet car or in meteor cup .