Thruxton Video



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Wednesday 27th July 2016
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Any one got a decent TVR video link round Thruxton ? Having to learn track from an SR3 on board but hate the 4 cylinder noise LOL. V8 anyone ?


872 posts

185 months

Wednesday 27th July 2016
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Not got any of TVR but theres a couple of recent vids from MGV8s, search bcv8 Thruxton and should come up. Thats upto 400bhp on road tyres with those (many are flat plane cranks...).

Hope that helps!!


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Wednesday 27th July 2016
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Cheers Dave

Got Russell McCarthy up, loads better and he must be half way ok as he is on pole LOL biggrin


455 posts

235 months

Wednesday 27th July 2016
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Also look at James Wheeler - he went on to win both the BCV8 races I think, he is running the regular V8 and torque out of corners may represent more of what you are used to


872 posts

185 months

Wednesday 27th July 2016
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I'd second watching James' video - he works the car hard too!! And assaid, (I think) the only top class car with a cross plane crank. Less power but more torque and he he's a damned good driver to boot.


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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Blimey yikes............... Some one needs to tell Rusell his car handles like a pig biggrin his car gets very loose even in a straight line and who said Tuscans are a hand full LOL

Edited by 77racing on Sunday 31st July 15:16