Croft Britcar



Original Poster:

9,075 posts

155 months

Monday 25th July 2016
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My first exposure to Britcar this weekend. Impressed with well prepared , good looking and gorgeous sounding cars . Look a bit quicker than they are but are still plenty fast enough.

Less impressed with- guess? - thin entry . 12 cars on a 3 hour race is not a recipe for success. Reason ? I had formed the impression from my occasional peep into Autosport that BC was a Big Thing . Was it ? And if so why isn't it now?

But great to see some different cars at my local circuit.


2,382 posts

212 months

Monday 25th July 2016
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It used to be huge but poor management combined with cheaper racing from GT Cup saw them lose customers hand over fist. This year they are under new management but with a lot of work to do to regain the trust that was lost over the years.


4,084 posts

131 months

Monday 25th July 2016
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I really couldn't understand why they didn't combine the races. The cars may have sounded nice but that was about all.