DTM - Zandvoort



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6,471 posts

197 months

Sunday 24th July 2016
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I've had the immense good fortune to take a little drive up to Denmark this past week. Our first stop over was a weekend at Zandvoort watching the DTM. It was my first visit to the track and it is spectacular. The location is weird - kind of like Surfer's Paradise but less galmorous! The ribbon of Tarmac is as good as any I've seen though. The sweepers out towards the back of the circuit are wonderful - like the first sector at COTA in the way they rise and fall. I will write the trip up in detail but it'll take me weeks so I've just uploaded a few photos for now: http://www.motorcardiaries.co.uk/2016/dtm-zandvoor...

A few of my faves:

Any DTM / Zandvoort banter and discussion welcomed!