Is it an age thing



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Thursday 21st July 2016
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that my dry sump pan swivels on my Rover engine constantly leak/weep. Is there any reason why they were designed like that. I know most leak on the swivel joint, but why do I need the swivel in the first place or can I replace them with a solid 90 elbow as my pump is engine mounted.


872 posts

185 months

Friday 22nd July 2016
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Hi Perry,

If you post up a picture will be easier to see what you mean? Most 90deg etc have a swivel in them so you can point the pipe in the right direction when tightening up. Or do you mean a different type of swivel joint?

I've just renewed all the fittings/pipes on ours after Silverstone fire and nothing leaks now...
