Anyone Bored and near Kent

Anyone Bored and near Kent



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 19th July 2016
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[quote=77racing]I am racing in Future Classic's on the Grand Prix circuit Brands Hatch this Saturday. Any one looking for something to do in the rain, pop in for a chat and cuppa. 30 min Qually 11.10am 45 min race with pit stop 17.05pm full grid so 38 cars I think. see you there


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 19th July 2016
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Scrub the raining bit, just looked at weather saying 24 and sunny bring it on.


516 posts

294 months

Tuesday 19th July 2016
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See you there put the kettle on



97 posts

108 months

Saturday 23rd July 2016
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well done to perry great driving to get second overall,never going to beat a morgan driven by ollie bryant as he is a proffesional driver not really fair in my opinion.


5,516 posts

275 months

Sunday 24th July 2016
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Well done Wadmacher!


21,559 posts

155 months

Sunday 24th July 2016
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It was a thrilling race to watch, even if through the pit wall railings. 41 cars on track, only one safety car period, credit to all the drivers.
After the full 40 minutes, the gap to the Porsche that came second in the 80s future classics was.....:

So well done Perry clap


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Sunday 24th July 2016
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Thanx for kind words, cracking result and the race was brilliant. I love my RV8 Tuscan. Video link to follow.
Pete great to see you hope your hand is ok, I will go on a diet for next time. Thanx for the help man


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 25th July 2016
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Front video link to pit stop. Full grid 41 cars. first in class 2nd overall. Rear view to follow.


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 26th July 2016
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516 posts

294 months

Tuesday 26th July 2016
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Well done Perry had a fun day



1,369 posts

268 months

Wednesday 27th July 2016
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Well done Perry,
We were away, otherwise would have popped down to see you. frown