Snetterton - Saturday evening

Snetterton - Saturday evening



Original Poster:

165 posts

295 months

Monday 11th July 2016
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Urgent Message from John:
"Caterham are putting on a 'party in the paddock' next Saturday and have asked if your drivers would be interested in joining them?

It will take place in Tyrell's at 7pm and consist of a Fish and Chip supper at a cost of £6.50 + VAT."

They needed to know by Monday morning so Caterham can order the right numbers? AS I only got the message at 21:55 I guess we have more time but don't delay get in touch with John.

Re: payment: the idea would be that John would collect the money from
the drivers that want to do it and pay it to Caterham in one go.


1,025 posts

259 months

Tuesday 12th July 2016
quotequote all
Thanks for posting this George. Nice of the Caterhams to ask us.

As our race is due to finish at 6.25, eating fish and chips at 7pm is far too early for me!
