Telemetry data


Iain Gillam

Original Poster:

5 posts

113 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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Long time lurker first time posting and a bit of a random question but I'm hoping there is a few people on here with data acquisition hardware that may be able to point me in the right direction. I'm looking for some sample data from either a race or a track day so I can play about with some data acquisition software, at the basics I'm looking for speed and time for a single lap - can anyone point me in the direction of where I may be able to find something like that?



108 posts

216 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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Do you mean acquisition, or analysis?

The two are entirely different things - but I think given what you go on to say, that you mean the latter.

Also on the subject of semantics, "Telemetry" again is a specific term and commonly misused. Tele (as in the Latin roughly meaning "remote") + Metric (as in the Latin concerning "to measure". i.e. the measuring of stuff from a distance.

Most data acquisition is NOT telemetric. Even up to relatively high levels of motorsport data is acquired and stored locally to cards on board the car and only available for analysis when the car comes in for a stop.

Re: Software to try out:

Race Technology Analysis Pro is very powerful, and the whole package is totally free to download. It's not the most intuitive of things - but there are some excellent intro videos on their support pages (as well as sets of sample laps to play with).

Iain Gillam

Original Poster:

5 posts

113 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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Good spot - I mean analysis, mind still stuck on the first part of the sentence! I'm looking for data rather than software I have software for analysis, I don't have a suitable car or data logger to get data to test it with though.



108 posts

216 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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So what format does your software want the data in?

Iain Gillam

Original Poster:

5 posts

113 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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It's self written so it's fairly simple to add on a bit to pull the data from a range of file types, something like csv is ideal though.



108 posts

216 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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OK your first stumbling block is that without further development you're only going to see part of the picture.

At a minimum any half decent system is capturing GPS and Accelerometer data.

A more realistic norm even at club level is the above: + several analogue sensors + 2/3 video and audio channels + ECU capture + a complementary metadata file to provide time sync for the above.

...a lot of which is encoded with proprietary encapsulation.

Iain Gillam

Original Poster:

5 posts

113 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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I see, I must admit I was expecting the personal use software to mirror commercial software and offer easy options for exporting the data to work in different software packages.



108 posts

216 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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The Race Technology software offers Export to CSV/Matlab options. But I suspect the scope is limited.

Download the package I linked to earlier.

Then choose a sample data package from here:

And data export is covered here:

Iain Gillam

Original Poster:

5 posts

113 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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That's perfect, thank you.
