


Original Poster:

10,922 posts

229 months

Tuesday 5th July 2016
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Does anyone race in Club100 here? I am looking at entering the Sprint championship (heavyweight) next year.

I currently race in Club100 with exclusive track time for a group of people from my work, but I'd like to get more track time in (our season is only 4 races a year).

Would love to hear people's experiences, and any tips for a newbie (pretend I know nothing about Club100!).

Mr Red Barron

1,568 posts

219 months

Wednesday 13th July 2016
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Have you thought about the Daytona DMAX series? From the research I've done, You get more races for a bit less money. Albeit the tracks aren't as varied as Club 100.


595 posts

177 months

Wednesday 13th July 2016
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Mr Red Barron said:
Have you thought about the Daytona DMAX series? From the research I've done, You get more races for a bit less money. Albeit the tracks aren't as varied as Club 100.
The grids have plummeted this year, especially the heavyweight. Plus circuit choice is weakest in years imo. I'm thinking about selective rounds of club100 heavies next year, purely for the gridsize & circuits.