Blancpain Paul Ricard

Blancpain Paul Ricard


Zed 44

Original Poster:

1,275 posts

167 months

Tuesday 21st June 2016
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I'll be there on Saturday and the temperature is forecast to be 30 degrees. Is there any shade? Ie. covered grandstands?


4,592 posts

289 months

Saturday 20th August 2016
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Only one grandstand I know of, no roof so you will bake! Lots of trees though, it is beautiful. Tends to be pleasant hot rather than muggy, enjoy!


4,592 posts

289 months

Friday 26th August 2016
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how was it, nice place isn't it?

Zed 44

Original Poster:

1,275 posts

167 months

Friday 26th August 2016
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Very hot but worth seeing, esp. the #23 Nissan Academy car driven by Alex Buncombe,Lucas Ordonez, and Mitsunori Takaboshi finishing 7th out of 57, ahead of so called "super cars". Made my holiday.


4,127 posts

243 months

Wednesday 31st August 2016
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What's the viewing like? Looks on TV like you can only spectate from the last bend to half way down the start-finish straight

Zed 44

Original Poster:

1,275 posts

167 months

Wednesday 31st August 2016
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Pretty much. We didn't fancy walking around in 40 degree heat so not sure. With our paddock passes we could view from over the pits though.


4,592 posts

289 months

Friday 2nd September 2016
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you can peek through the shrubbery on the Mistral straight. Especially if they aren't running the chicane it is very, very fast there!