BTCC Croft



Original Poster:

19,907 posts

293 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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This weekend
Can anyone tell me what other races are programmed for Sunday please, googled without success


8,244 posts

224 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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Here you go -

Croft should be listed at the top with a link to the preliminary / draft timetable for the weekend smile


932 posts

222 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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Porsche Carrera Cup Great Britain
F4 British Championship
Protyre Motorsport Ginetta GT5 Challenge
Simpson Race Products Ginetta Junior Championship
Renault UK Clio Cup


9,241 posts

178 months

Saturday 18th June 2016
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Practice session done looks like Honda struggling but the new guys are up the front ingram/Lloyd warren scott up ahead of plato and turks great effort from him.


19,266 posts

178 months

Saturday 18th June 2016
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Turks on poke again. He needs a few of these, I've had a 10er on him winning the title this week at 16/1 hehe

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,887 posts

246 months

Saturday 18th June 2016
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DanielSan said:
Turks on poke again. He needs a few of these, I've had a 10er on him winning the title this week at 16/1 hehe
You can't beat being on poke biggrin


Original Poster:

19,907 posts

293 months

Saturday 18th June 2016
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Thanks Guys

Why couldn't I find that, spent about half an hour going around in circles.


1,147 posts

185 months

Sunday 19th June 2016
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I see requests for race times regularly so here is the best way (imo), Google Btcc xxx (Croft) timetable and one of the first results should be the official Btcc link, click on the page and you should then have a timetable button


19,266 posts

178 months

Sunday 19th June 2016
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2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
DanielSan said:
Turks on poke again. He needs a few of these, I've had a 10er on him winning the title this week at 16/1 hehe
You can't beat being on poke biggrin
hehe this is why I should just post on my laptop not my phone...


65 months

Sunday 19th June 2016
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I like Lloyd but i dont know what he was expecting to happen.


19,266 posts

178 months

Sunday 19th June 2016
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Can someone tell me how Mark Howard is allowed to race still?


9,241 posts

178 months

Sunday 19th June 2016
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DanielSan said:
Can someone tell me how Mark Howard is allowed to race still?
Ive no idea ive not yet seen him not go off the only time he is on tv is when hes off the track. Lloyds move was a bit daft tbh.

With Honda right down good news for both wsr and motorbase big chance to gain some points over them. Cant rule out Subaru now either if turks keeps on getting more wins.


1,147 posts

185 months

Sunday 19th June 2016
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I'm sure the Subaru debrief meeting was a tense one, atmosphere at the post race 2 interview was very different to race 1s.

Race 2 on shortly and its dropping rain so expect plenty of action, bringing an end to a monster sport weekend (until the football at 8!)

Janesy B

2,625 posts

197 months

Sunday 19th June 2016
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Race 2 proved that Turkington can pass cleanly and Plato can't. They could have ended up with a 1 2, not a 2 3 if it wasn't for Plato darting into a gap on his own team mate.


9,241 posts

178 months

Sunday 19th June 2016
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Great result for ash Sutton he was just on a different level the last race hugely impressed with him and makes 10 different winners this year already easy another 3-4 more I think.

Honda what a nightmare they looked nowhere all weekend even with the weight off. Ingram listening to what hes been told you need to keep scoring points and the last 2 events showed he can do that.

Plato and turks well plato was quicker the gap was there and was alongside turks just didn't see him racing incident I say.

Some really stupid driving as well mark howard again cashing a safety car matt Jackson in the last race he should of relised he and the team fked up and pitted but no carried on and caused a lot of damage to aiden moffet. Also say the same thing with one of the eurotech Hondas coming straight back on to the racing line after going off. Also thought Lloyd fked up big time going for a move that was never on and ruined his weekend.


Original Poster:

19,907 posts

293 months

Sunday 19th June 2016
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Would be interesting to know how many laps the Safety Car(s) actually did, bet it was full race distance...
Great day out, get there for about 9.30 and there were loads there already. would be interesting to know the actual attendance figures.
Shame the rain came just as the Porsche race started - there was me in a T Shirt expecting a day of sunshine.

Well done to local lad Max Coates in the Renault race.

And well done to Aiden Moffatt's team for getting the car ready for race 2 after his off in Race 1.
The race 3 incident was just the final straw for him, not his fault, taken out by someone who just shouldn't have been on the track.
Predict big things for him.

The Wookie

14,089 posts

239 months

Monday 20th June 2016
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Don't understand the comments that Mat Jackson shouldn't have been on track with slicks. Four of us made the same choice and two of us managed to keep it on the island. Yes it was a gamble but if the rain had held off for another few minutes or we hadn't had the safety car we would have been laughing.

It's an abrasive track, there was no standing water and all you need is to get the tyres working enough to switch them on and you're away. I led the SP3 class in the Zandvoort 12H last year for nearly an hour on slicks after getting them switched on in similar conditions and ended up nearly 3 laps ahead of the rest of the field who stopped for wets. That was in a RWD Ginetta G55 on hard endurance tyres. The only car anywhere near me was Cor Euser in an Evora who was shadowing what I was doing about 20 seconds back. I was running 1 or 2 seconds a lap faster than the cars on wets I only came in for the change when it rained a bit harder.

Yes it was easy to make a mistake, yes you had to be careful and yes it was unfortunate that Mat took someone out, but it's motorsport you have to race your own race.


821 posts

153 months

Monday 20th June 2016
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Great weekend at Croft, with race 3 being the best of the day. The crowd reaction for Alex Martin on slicks coming round Hawthorn each lap sideways was brilliant - Made even better when he pitted for more slicks (or a swap around?). biggrin

Only downer was an hour to get out the car park, they seemed to let the other one fully empty first before moving the ones in the back field.


2,270 posts

234 months

Monday 20th June 2016
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Well done for whoever booked the big screens, they made the spectating experience better than ever! First time I've seen them at Croft and hope it's not the last.


Original Poster:

19,907 posts

293 months

Monday 20th June 2016
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chopper602 said:
Well done for whoever booked the big screens, they made the spectating experience better than ever! First time I've seen them at Croft and hope it's not the last.
Agree +1