Motorsport blogs


John D.

Original Poster:

18,823 posts

220 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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What does everyone listen to? I've started following Motorsport Magazine's offerings for general stuff and Paddock Pass for MotoGP recently. Really enjoying both. I'm running out though!

There must be other good ones out there.


2,958 posts

175 months

Tuesday 14th June 2016
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Not blogs but I download the Motorsport Magazine and Radio LeMans podcasts.

John D.

Original Poster:

18,823 posts

220 months

Tuesday 14th June 2016
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Podcast is what I mean actually. Doh! paperbag


821 posts

153 months

Tuesday 14th June 2016
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Although they maybe aren't for everyone, I do enjoy the Downforce Radio produced stuff, especially the comedy/motorsport Pit Bored shows on Thursdays.


1,153 posts

177 months

Tuesday 14th June 2016
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Radio Le Mans & Motorsport Magazine both of which are mentioned above.

The Mayor on Air with James Hinchcliffe is great for relaxed fun interviews with Indycar drivers.

Trackside with Curt Cabin and Kevin Lee is also good for Indycar.

I use to listen to WFO Radio for drag racing but haven't much recently.

Talk of Gasoline Alley when it's on in the month of May. Donald Davidson is absolutely irreplaceable.

Another I use to listen to was PRN Fast Talk but I haven't since the loss of Benny Parsons.

Marshall Pruett podcast is also a good one.


2,958 posts

175 months

Thursday 23rd June 2016
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realjv said:
The Mayor on Air with James Hinchcliffe is great for relaxed fun interviews with Indycar drivers.
Agreed, very relaxed with plenty of funny moments.


108 posts

216 months

Thursday 23rd June 2016
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realjv said:
Marshall Pruett podcast is also a good one.
Just discovered these. Really excellent.

Another American one which had some great guests (not just drivers - but people like Marshall Pruett, Shea Adam, Beaux Barfield) was

No longer being updated - but they're all still available.