Wheel stud suppliers



Original Poster:

5,700 posts

230 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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Whilst this question inst Motorsport related as such, I'm hoping someone here is in-the-know and can help me out.

We manufacture road-rail vehicles here in Australia:

Our rail wheels are attached to the hub with either 1/2" or 5/8" studs which, for years have been coming from the local trailer parts vendor and have been faultless. We have probably used over 10,000 of them in the last 7-8 years.

However, their manufacturer has changed and the quality has reduced noticeably. They're unable to use the previous manufacturer for some undisclosed reason.

Despite trawling the web relentlessly, all we can find in Australia are variants of cheap Chinese studs. Many places just refer us back to the existing supplier.

ARP have a range of very expensive "Nascar" studs in the US which would probably be just fine but they're bloody expensive!

Does anyone have a suggestion on where we could look in Europe for good quality wheel studs? It doesn't matter if they originate in China, they just need to be made to a decent standard with consistent dimensions and material properties.



9,236 posts

187 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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I can make them for you but I'd imagine the cost to ship them to Australia from the UK would be prohibitive frown

The Wookie

14,089 posts

239 months

Wednesday 15th June 2016
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Have no idea if they have the exact studs you need or whether they deal in the volumes you are interested but these are qualified to supply OEM level parts with appropriate quality control:
