Tom Coronel Fined For Using Phone

Tom Coronel Fined For Using Phone



Original Poster:

5,840 posts

214 months

Saturday 28th May 2016
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...whilst behind the wheel

...and resorts to crowdfunding to help pay the fine!

Janesy B

2,625 posts

197 months

Sunday 29th May 2016
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Strange bloke.

Presuming Ed

1,564 posts

219 months

Monday 30th May 2016
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Is there anything in the regs to say you can't use a phone whilst driving. If there is its an open and shut case, if not I'd tell the FIA where to stick it.

Whatever the rules are on public roads has nothing to do with it.


16,373 posts

295 months

Tuesday 31st May 2016
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I assume he was using a phone linked to his helmet, so whats the difference between a phone and the normal radio?

I very much doubt he was holding his phone in one hand next to his helmet.

I suspect this has more to do with non sanctioned ( i.e. fee paid) transmission than the fact it was a phone


377 posts

108 months

Tuesday 31st May 2016
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Graham said:
I assume he was using a phone linked to his helmet, so whats the difference between a phone and the normal radio?

I very much doubt he was holding his phone in one hand next to his helmet.
You would think so, but no. If you look at the picture on this TCT article, he was filming himself with his phone. They also give more detail of the regulations they say were contravened. To be honest, it was a bloody stupid thing to do.


27,228 posts

192 months

Tuesday 31st May 2016
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Hardly conclusive bits of regulation that he broke:
FIA said:
12.1.1.c Any fraudulent conduct or any act prejudicial to the
interests of any Competition or to the interests of motor
sport generally.
12.1.1.d Any pursuit of an objective contrary or opposed to
those of the FIA.
Stupid, but a very poor set of rules to convict someone.


377 posts

108 months

Tuesday 31st May 2016
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Yeah, it's one of those vague "open to interpretation" rules that organisations love to have - if you want to clobber someone, you can always find a way.


6,333 posts

261 months

Wednesday 1st June 2016
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Is the issue as much about having an external object in the car? There was a similar issue in NASCAR a few years back where one of the drivers Tweeted from his car during a red flag. Concern was more that there was an unsecured object in the car than necessarily using the phone itself. Potential for problems in the event of a big accident, as could fly about inside the car and hurt the driver, or escape from the car and hurt other drivers (a la Massa, Wilson) or track workers or even fly into the crowd.

Punishment seems a touch draconian, but then it's a daft thing to do in the first place really.


22,227 posts

244 months

Wednesday 1st June 2016
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Few points.

1. if the FIA want to get you they will find a way, just like any other all but unaccountable organisation.

2. It is more likely that it was the host broadcaster getting their knickers in a twist than the FIA - but then TV is God.

3. Most GT AM cars, and I would expect most cars full stop, at Le Mans will have a mobile tank taped or similar to the cage in a place where the driver can retrieve it if needed. Some (less than 20 years ago though) will also have a packet of fags and a lighter taped somewhere.

TC was a silly boy.


65 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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It was more to do with the fact that the FIA have their road safety campaign and a driver competing in one of their championships using a phone while driving looks bad for them i think.


2,037 posts

264 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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Rude-boy said:
Some (less than 20 years ago though) will also have a packet of fags and a lighter taped somewhere.
Yes, this. And not so much taped as jammed into crevice somewhere. Damn useful if your car stopped out on circuit!


2,593 posts

185 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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Anyone remember a few years back, I think it was Hans Stuck in an international saloon event at Donington, turned up in the pits at the end of his slowing down lap wearing a gorilla mask - for which he got fined.


8,642 posts

222 months

Wednesday 8th June 2016
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Weird that he decided to use a phone rather than a hard mounted device to do it - but it's nice to see a driver trying to involve the fans more. Personally I'd have recorded it on a proper camera and streamed it afterwards or something.