Masters Historic @ Brands Hatch this weekend - anyone going?

Masters Historic @ Brands Hatch this weekend - anyone going?



Original Poster:

2,159 posts

160 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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As per title...

Is anyone going to the Masters Historic at Brands Hatch this weekend?

Was supposed to be going with friends, but they had to bail. There all weekend on my own as it stands laugh

I'm going tomorrow afternoon, will be camping smile


81 posts

124 months

Monday 30th May 2016
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Had another canny day out to the Masters on Sunday. You cant beat seeing the old F1 and Can-Am around the GP loop.

Here's my pics n vid from the day, as always all comments welcome:


5,360 posts

242 months

Tuesday 31st May 2016
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Was there on the Saturday just as whatever it was (never did find out) decided to drop all its fluid round the whole track.

Got in at 11:15 and waited till 13:45 for a car to be on track!!

Was worth the wait though, love the Can-Ams, that Mclaren must be terrifying from behind the wheel.


2,343 posts

181 months

Tuesday 31st May 2016
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A black Mustang was the culprit - car 84?
if he had any sense, he should have scarpered off quick sticks...
It happened just when it started drizzling. the detergent (a good choice of dispersal methods if a wet track) made it worse
2 hours of nothingness


Original Poster:

2,159 posts

160 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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geordiecraig101 said:
Had another canny day out to the Masters on Sunday. You cant beat seeing the old F1 and Can-Am around the GP loop.

Here's my pics n vid from the day, as always all comments welcome:
Super pictures, thanks for sharing!

bucksmanuk said:
A black Mustang was the culprit - car 84?
if he had any sense, he should have scarpered off quick sticks...
It happened just when it started drizzling. the detergent (a good choice of dispersal methods if a wet track) made it worse
2 hours of nothingness
It was my first taste of historic motorsport, and I thought it was a great weekend. Well run and good value for money for spectators. The oil clean up was a bit boring, but these things happen. I guess i'm also quite patient - i've been exposed to drag racing the most in my life, and you seem to spend forever waiting for cleaning up to be done, or the track dried!

Edited by 13aines on Thursday 2nd June 00:29