Road Racing loses Malachi Mitchell-Thomas

Road Racing loses Malachi Mitchell-Thomas



Original Poster:

632 posts

112 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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As I'm sure many of you know Malachi Mitchell-Thomas died following a crash during the Supertwins race at the North West 200 on Saturday.

Its such a shame to lose one of the sports brightest upcoming stars, to me losing Mitchell-Thomas is to road racing what losing Simoncelli was to MotoGP, a stand-out immensely talented young rider taken before he could show his true potential. I will very much miss looking for his name on the time sheets.

RIP Malachi


332 posts

166 months

Wednesday 18th May 2016
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Two friends of mine were right in front of the crash, very badly shaken up as a result.

RIP young man