BTCC TOCA engine for sale

BTCC TOCA engine for sale



Original Poster:

7,125 posts

271 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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Interesting, I didn't think you could buy these just lease them?


11,503 posts

218 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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Seems like a lot of money considering it needs a £7k + rebuild.


821 posts

153 months

Monday 16th May 2016
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They have a NGTC gearbox for sale as well, 8k but again needs a rebuild:

Soul Reaver

499 posts

203 months

Monday 16th May 2016
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Not too bad if it comes with that Life ECU sitting on top of it.


653 posts

289 months

Wednesday 18th May 2016
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Soul Reaver said:
Not too bad if it comes with that Life ECU sitting on top of it.
That's neither made by Life, or an ECU.


473 posts

141 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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£17k for a used one or £20k for a new one? am I the only one that thinks I'd rather get a new one?


3,236 posts

225 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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lickatysplit said:
£17k for a used one or £20k for a new one? am I the only one that thinks I'd rather get a new one?
Indeed, seems reasonable to me. Not.


555 posts

236 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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It says a new one is £22k, plus VAT, and doesn't include electronics.


27,228 posts

192 months

Wednesday 25th May 2016
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Soul Reaver said:
Not too bad if it comes with that Life ECU sitting on top of it.
Not a Life ECU, but if it is the Pectel SQ6M that it claims that's £3k+VAT new at least.