Storage & Transport Insurance

Storage & Transport Insurance


Mike Blake

Original Poster:

83 posts

210 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Can anyone recommend a policy provider for the race car?


1,025 posts

259 months

Tuesday 26th April 2016
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Hi Mike. I have used Competition Car Insurance for many years now. They cover the car and tools in transit and at my workshop. They also extended the policy to Monument View over the period the car has been there. Hugh


1,940 posts

281 months

Tuesday 26th April 2016
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REIS is another option for storage and transit. They'll also do on track too but at a cost! wink

Edited by Keithyboy on Tuesday 26th April 17:28


6,553 posts

224 months

Wednesday 11th May 2016
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I've used Competition Car Insurance for storage and transit, very good prices.


1,940 posts

281 months

Wednesday 11th May 2016
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So have I, but bizzarely at my renewal 2 years ago they no longer wanted my business - some underwriting issue at that time apparently. As I was left in the lurch and after shopping around I went with REIS and have been with them ever since. biggrin


6,553 posts

224 months

Wednesday 11th May 2016
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Keithyboy said:
So have I, but bizzarely at my renewal 2 years ago they no longer wanted my business - some underwriting issue at that time apparently. As I was left in the lurch and after shopping around I went with REIS and have been with them ever since. biggrin
I did hear they stopped doing S&T but have now started doing it again, when I got mine they was by far the cheapest, plus was very good people to talk too.

Also remember to have your trailer on the policy also, it was not much more to add it.