Help me find G27 trim cab frame company for my car.

Help me find G27 trim cab frame company for my car.


Strand 7071

Original Poster:

5 posts

109 months

Sunday 14th February 2016
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Hello i am Richard in norway, I bought me a Ginetta G27 built in England at Ginetta car ltd, build in 1999 original left hand drive car, . I'm looking for cabriolet and the left and right windows and everything needed . only cab frame are also of interest.

Strand 7071

Original Poster:

5 posts

109 months

Thursday 18th February 2016
quotequote all
someone can help or know something?


149 posts

287 months

Monday 12th December 2016
quotequote all
Nice car, I have a G27 series 4 hood and hard top which I could show you if over in the UK at all? They are not for sale but you could copy them. H