End of term do 2016



Original Poster:

16,373 posts

295 months

Tuesday 2nd February 2016
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Hi all,

As we all know Geoff and linda have stepped down from organising it, and i dont think anyone has offered to help John sort it out.

In a moment of madness im prepared to offer to sort something, and I'll have a chat with john to see if needs any help or already has plans.

The only thing is If i sort it it would have to be after Oulton and not on the same weekend as Im At Spa for the Classic that weekend.

SO my question here before I See if john wants someone to organise it is does anyone object to the following

a) Me Organising it
b) It being in the midlands somewhere ( central for most people)
c) Not at the last race weekend

or failing that does anyone want to volunteer to organise on on the oulton weekend



3,386 posts

282 months

Tuesday 2nd February 2016
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All looks good to me G

bill tvr

359 posts

189 months

Tuesday 2nd February 2016
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That's sounds good to me ..thanks Graham

MH Dneg

152 posts

145 months

Wednesday 3rd February 2016
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Thanks for volunteering Graham. All good with me.


5,516 posts

275 months

Wednesday 3rd February 2016
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Works for me Graham.
Thanks for voluteering


5,516 posts

275 months

Wednesday 3rd February 2016
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Works for me Graham.
Thanks for voluteering


514 posts

199 months

Wednesday 3rd February 2016
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Happy with that Graham


1,025 posts

259 months

Wednesday 3rd February 2016
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Hi Graham.

Well volunteered! Midlands fine.

Not on the Oulton date fine as we now have two races that day in any case.

I think the sooner a date can be circulated the better as it gives everyone the chance to get their act together and try to make sure there is a good attendance. That is presupposing that John is in favour.



2,589 posts

179 months

Wednesday 3rd February 2016
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All sounds good to me!
Thank you Graham


872 posts

185 months

Wednesday 3rd February 2016
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Sounds good by me G!! I think it'll be good not on last race weekend to break the winter up a little!


88 posts

168 months

Wednesday 3rd February 2016
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Just to throw a spanner in the works here, the end of season 'do' has traditionally been on the day of the final meeting (since 1989 actually, although I cannot speak for my 'sabbatical' years). As two races are back for Oulton in September (instead of 'black ice' October), I suspect there will be a big turn-out with a correspondingly large attendance for the dinner/dance. By definition, prize-giving can only take place at season-end and what better than after a double-header at one of the world's most beautiful and challenging circuits. We will all be there to celebrate the season and, of course, it's more cost effective to combine the two. No disrespect to Graham (who I am sure would organise it with Wehrmacht-like efficiency) but a trip to the Midlands is, for many Tuscan people, not much different to going the extra miles to Oulton. I will, therefore, offer, subject to John Reid's approval, to organise the event providing it takes place on the Saturday night after Oulton.


3,386 posts

282 months

Wednesday 3rd February 2016
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Back In The Saddle Martin ?

Or am i remiss in my presupposition (whilst expectant of the former, of course biggrin ) ?

How about you organise an Oulton bash on the September race weekend ,and Graham takes care of the Midlands based celebrations in the traditional October.

Two piss ups would suit me just fine..



88 posts

168 months

Thursday 4th February 2016
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How about pre-season and mid-season drinks as well as Oulton and 'traditional'? October. There's nothing traditional about October if the last race is in September. Joking apart, there is an obvious synergy about having the dinner at the final meeting. But, the key words here are 'subject to John Reid's approval'. As for being back in the saddle, to coin a phrase, never say never again (geddit!).


88 posts

168 months

Thursday 4th February 2016
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RetroWheels said:
Or am i remiss in my presupposition (whilst expectant of the former, of course biggrin ) ?

Is not your real name Leonard Sachs and did you not present 'The Good Old Days' on BBC 1 between 1963 and 1983?


3,386 posts

282 months

Thursday 4th February 2016
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MCR said:
RetroWheels said:
Or am i remiss in my presupposition (whilst expectant of the former, of course biggrin ) ?

Is not your real name Leonard Sachs and did you not present 'The Good Old Days' on BBC 1 between 1963 and 1983?
Quite possibly.. Music Hall or Old Hall - i consider either not disagreeable .. it's the costumes hehe.


Original Poster:

16,373 posts

295 months

Thursday 4th February 2016
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MCR said:
I will, therefore, offer, subject to John Reid's approval, to organise the event providing it takes place on the Saturday night after Oulton.
hehe that worked to flush out a volunteer, crack on martin. As Hugh said the important thing is to get the ball rolling and a date set so People can plan.

Have good one at Oulton Guys


Now i wonder if the same trick will work to get some of you buggers to write some words for the web site and sprint.... Updated driver profiles from everyone would be a start!


88 posts

168 months

Friday 5th February 2016
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Thanks for that Graham. I have spoken to John and he's happy that between us we can make the necessary arrangements. More details to follow.


88 posts

168 months

Saturday 20th February 2016
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Just a quick note to say that arrangements for the end of season dinner-dance/prize-giving on 17 September should be finalised next week. Details to follow thereafter.


3,386 posts

282 months

Saturday 20th February 2016
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Splendid stuff Martin , looking forward to a September shindig.
Are you attending Race Retro next week ?


88 posts

168 months

Monday 22nd February 2016
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Yes. I hope to be there.