Where best to find some racing drivers?

Where best to find some racing drivers?



Original Poster:

10,574 posts

171 months

Monday 18th January 2016
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Evening all,

I have the following shirt, which i am trying to complete the signatures on:

The question is, for drivers no longer competing, where can they be found for me to get them to sign it? The matter is complicated by the fact that I do not under any circumstances want to let the shirt out of my sight - so I refuse to post it to someone or let another person take it on my behalf

Since the photo was taken, I managed to get Menu and Plato at the BTCC in 2014, which leaves:

Bintcliffe - last heard of running a furniture store in Yorkshire. Googling it throws up no direct info, suggesting it no longer exists
Burt - no idea
Reid - I gather he still makes appearances at Goodwood FOS and Revival. Might be a very good reason to finally go
Warwick - as head of the BRDC, I might see if I can be extra cheeky and drop in to the HQ when I'm at Silverstone this summer for the Formula Student competition - reckon I'll get in, or will I be escorted away by security?
Rydell - according to Wikipedia, raced in the WTCC last year - no info on this year though? If he is still in it, I might have to attend the German round
Tarquini - same as Rydell
Biela - no idea, seems to have retired?
Radisich - well, maybe one day I'll have a holiday in New Zealand
Hoy and Leslie - frown

So, can anyone help me please to track this lot down? If they no longer race any more, they must be doing something day to day where I could find them, as none of them are exactly of retirement age


680 posts

156 months

Monday 18th January 2016
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You'll find a few there on facebook or events like Goodwood Festival of Speed or the revival. Try contacting Warwick through one of his dealerships if you have no joy with these avenues pm me.


9,075 posts

155 months

Tuesday 19th January 2016
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.....or email BRDC who will forward emails on if you ask nicely .


622 posts

215 months

Tuesday 19th January 2016
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Kelvin Burt
Try here, it even has his email address on there


6,471 posts

197 months

Tuesday 19th January 2016
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I've recently had cause to collect scores of signatures for charitable purposes. I had no joy from the BRDC unfortunately but found most drivers highly amenible. Anthony Reid, coincidentally, e-mailed me back immediately and then went silent so if you get hold of him I have a photo I'd like signing too!

You might have to rely on sending out the shirt to various places but that's part of the fun. Good luck.

As an aside, I found I had a duplicate of the race programme from 1999's BTCC visit to Oulton Park in my archive. If you review all the support categories there is an extraordinary array of drivers in there - Kimi, Danica Patrick, etc. I quite fancy getting that signed by as many drivers as possible, though suspect it might become my life's work.

Speed Badger

3,035 posts

128 months

Tuesday 19th January 2016
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Is that Vicki Butler-Henderson's signature I spy? cloud9


595 posts

177 months

Tuesday 19th January 2016
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ChemicalChaos said:
Evening all,

I have the following shirt, which i am trying to complete the signatures on:

The question is, for drivers no longer competing, where can they be found for me to get them to sign it? The matter is complicated by the fact that I do not under any circumstances want to let the shirt out of my sight - so I refuse to post it to someone or let another person take it on my behalf

Since the photo was taken, I managed to get Menu and Plato at the BTCC in 2014, which leaves:

Bintcliffe - last heard of running a furniture store in Yorkshire. Googling it throws up no direct info, suggesting it no longer exists
Burt - no idea
Reid - I gather he still makes appearances at Goodwood FOS and Revival. Might be a very good reason to finally go
Warwick - as head of the BRDC, I might see if I can be extra cheeky and drop in to the HQ when I'm at Silverstone this summer for the Formula Student competition - reckon I'll get in, or will I be escorted away by security?
Rydell - according to Wikipedia, raced in the WTCC last year - no info on this year though? If he is still in it, I might have to attend the German round
Tarquini - same as Rydell
Biela - no idea, seems to have retired?
Radisich - well, maybe one day I'll have a holiday in New Zealand
Hoy and Leslie - frown

So, can anyone help me please to track this lot down? If they no longer race any more, they must be doing something day to day where I could find them, as none of them are exactly of retirement age
Anthony Reid races in Funcup for one of the teams, it's a fairly relaxed paddock (proved by the idiot at Brands last year) and being endurance the drivers do have a bit of downtime in-between stints.

Vocal Minority

8,582 posts

163 months

Tuesday 19th January 2016
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I believe Anthony Reid has started hillclimbing his very early Chevron as well - was certainly giving it the business up Shelsley last year


Original Poster:

10,574 posts

171 months

Tuesday 19th January 2016
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Thanks for the suggestions chaps!

The Burt email address looks promising, I'll have to drop him a polite line. Also promising to hear Reid is racing in the Fun Cup - I should be around for the Oulton park round in May.

Yes, that is indeed Vicki Butler Henderson's signature - hers and Harvey's were the first two I got, back when they commentated in the early 00's!

Save Ferris

2,714 posts

224 months

Wednesday 20th January 2016
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Reid will be at the Goodwood members meeting in March as well, might be worth seeing if any of the others are due to be there?


1,091 posts

278 months

Thursday 21st January 2016
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Frank Biela is an Audi Brand Ambassador - potentially at the FIA WEC season opener at Silverstone in April - Definitely at Le Mans in June!


104 posts

195 months

Friday 22nd January 2016
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John Clelands son works for Motorbase on the GT side of things. Very close to Brands Hatch


19,928 posts

277 months

Saturday 30th January 2016
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ChemicalChaos said:
I have his signature on an Audi cap. Not much use to you but thought I'd mention it.


Original Poster:

10,574 posts

171 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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So, I dropped into Oulton Park tonight on my way home as F3 and F4 are in town, apparently no one has seen or heard of Kelvin Burt's team for a few years frown