how many ex challenge tuscan , road legal...

how many ex challenge tuscan , road legal...



Original Poster:

178 posts

200 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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hi , would like to know , it look like the tuscan challenge price go up .. what about the road legal then


5,051 posts

251 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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Too feckin' many wink

Edited by NTEL on Tuesday 15th April 16:53


5,516 posts

275 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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Sold my road legal car 14 months ago.
the price was well up on when i bought it 36 months ago.
they should always be more expensive than just a race car, as it costs to convert. However if the conversion spoils the race element the price can go down!


Original Poster:

178 posts

200 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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hi great , for sure .. it will be a divised world... how ever, whats number of car been converted...


5,516 posts

275 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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Was 6, another year...10.

what a waste (if not racing)

Just seen your profile pic. Yours was "R0KET" (or similar) in the UK. thats 1 of the 6.

Edited by Guillotine on Tuesday 15th April 20:18


Original Poster:

178 posts

200 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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rocket , never heard that one before.. tell me tell me more..
hey guys .. I DO RACING .... CLUB NOW but summer serie .. comming up .. im looking for it...
for you .. carl hansen is second for now . need to win next meeting for a win at champ .. the porsche LM give him hard time .your video is out of date man . THIS tuscan , IS A MISSILE ON STEROID.. BELEIVE ME I HAVE BEEN AROUND folowing RACING CAR IN FRANCE AND EUROPE .. THAT THE ONLY CAR I KNOW , WiTH A GIGANTESQUE SLINGSHOT EFFECT.......when every one do 270ks an hour....ta


5,516 posts

275 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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That's cool then
Carl is a nice guy. Met him when he came here in 2007.

His Rover Tuscan was famous.

I have some pictures of Rocket somewhere, I was going to buy it around that time 06 - 07 which I think was when it was exported. Has your car always been yellow?


Original Poster:

178 posts

200 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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hi thanks for that im open to any comment , as . im trying to find history .listen . my car as been here since 1995 . is a ex team central from clif . what ever is name ...the race number was 22 . my chassis is 89/17. as 450 BV look like been converted by bookland ltd ,exceter?.. color back then was red, then bee some sort of green metalic, yellow now , included the chassi... jhon reid , recall the car...
andy it is the same car??? thanks


44 posts

184 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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Is this the car?



Original Poster:

178 posts

200 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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hi you car look great in that color .. na dont think is my car ....this car on pic , been in book / magazine ... but hey like i say any info great.. ta


1,152 posts

259 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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Guillotine said:
Was 6, another year...10.
When 6 and when 9 ?

There are 3 AJP ones that I know of. wink


5,516 posts

275 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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Plus 5 rovers, 1 chevy
scmiigs building another rover,..


5,516 posts

275 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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May be this car, or one of them. Ian Flux run 22 from Team Central. They Team moved to Brocklands Exeter when Central TVR ceased. They then became Peninsula, Peninsula TVR, then Dulford Automotive. Their head mechanic is now TVRSSW. He, Col Apps, has always looked after my cars. The cars were run by...and converted by Strebber Racing.


165 posts

295 months

Saturday 19th April 2014
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From my research into Tuscan Racer histories. There are at least 15 UK road registered Tuscan Racers some of which are reg'd as Tasmins. With exFrog's one in NZ that is 16.
The only UK one that has disappeared is ROK3T so that one might be the car in NZ.
However there are a few more which have been exported and the list does not include Schimg's yet.
Not worked out which has what engine yet, but any info is welcome, also previous history.
With all the chassis and body swaps that have gone on very few have a clear history.


829 posts

270 months

Sunday 20th April 2014
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I used to own Exfrogs Tuscan, it's the one that Henley Heritage had for sale years ago, early 2000's, I bought it from a guy privately, he bought it from them. I sold it to a guy from New Zealand who was going to sprint it but he had trouble registering it I believe because it was made road legal with Tasmin details.
It was ex-Team Central, converted by Streber, etc but is not ROK 3T... the reg here was ADV 171X...
I had a Cerbera at the same time and the Tuscan was alot quicker but was only geared to run to 120mph for sprinting...
Pascal I'll mail you with anything else I remember, but it's a while ago now and I don't think I have any printed information anymore....

Cheers, Al.


1,152 posts

259 months

Sunday 20th April 2014
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According to the old car database, ADV71X was owned by Chris Camm at some time.

Other registrations of note are: PCB162, F309OTA, F418VVC, F706UDT, F933OFJ, S557XOE, ERT555, A6HLX and SN57ESH, although that last one looks wrong somehow.

There are a few others listed but they have obviously made up reg nos and were not "on the road" cars. Surprisingly ROK3T is not there as I am sure it appeared in Sprint at some time, and then there is OFV8G which I think could go on the road, but never has ?


5,516 posts

275 months

Sunday 20th April 2014
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A6 HLX a private plate put on it before i had it.
the factory plate was F171 OTA


829 posts

270 months

Sunday 20th April 2014
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Chris Camm rings a bell, might be the guy I bought it off, I remember it was a farm and his dad had some sort of rare De Tomaso....should I know his name for any other reason....???

I remember I did snap a driveshaft, but eventually managed to get one from Steve who used to look after quite a few racers and had a place near Reading, he's been on Top Gear sorting out quite a few of their projects...

Cheers, Al.

Edited by tweety on Sunday 20th April 19:45


165 posts

295 months

Sunday 20th April 2014
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Interestingly ADV171X shows up as a yellow Tuscan still on a web reg checker so I did not connect it with exfrog's. I did not have PCB162, F309OTJ, F706UDT or F933OFJ on my list unless of course they have changed registrations. The roadgoing Tuscan histories are as complicated as the race car.


165 posts

295 months

Sunday 20th April 2014
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Interestingly ADV171X shows up as a yellow Tuscan still on a web reg checker so I did not connect it with exfrog's. I did not have PCB162, F309OTJ, F706UDT or F933OFJ on my list unless of course they have changed registrations. The roadgoing Tuscan histories are as complicated as the race car.