Circuit of Wales?



15,421 posts

217 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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Just like Donnington.


22,227 posts

244 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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EDLT said:
Just like Donnington.
yes Except they don't even have a track yet.


19,261 posts

178 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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A new circuit is always welcome. But £250 million will not make a circuit to rival Silverstone.


9,239 posts

253 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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Planning permission for a new circuit? Good luck with that one.


9,238 posts

178 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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I believe they have or are very close to having permission to build it. Hopefully it will be built lets be honest wales needs a good race track track pembrey is out the way and the facilites are well basic, angelsey has spent loads on new track and facilites but it's a 5 hour drive to get to it and i live in the carephilly area. Also it will be only half hour drive from me and time to get my new kit car out on track hopefully.

However im waiting for the green looney camp to go off on one saying it will ruin the lanscape how i don't know it's not like rasser is a beauty hotspot

Steve H

6,031 posts

206 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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I'd be curious to know who's stumping the 250 million scratchchin


394 posts

150 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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What a waste of money.


9,238 posts

178 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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Bitofbully said:
What a waste of money.
Is it i think it a great investment for an area of wales thats needs all the money it can get. Most of the money comes from private investers and the rest from the welsh assembley. Atleast money is being spent in the valleys rather than cardiff all the time.


394 posts

150 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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I know the area and know that anything not chained down will be stolen.

There is absolutely no point in building a circuit there - F1 may go to some crappy places, but I can't see any attraction in taking it to the benefits capital of the UK.


9,238 posts

178 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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Bitofbully said:
I know the area and know that anything not chained down will be stolen.

There is absolutely no point in building a circuit there - F1 may go to some crappy places, but I can't see any attraction in taking it to the benefits capital of the UK.
So instead of investing in the area to get the resisdents into work you rather leave it be as it is and leave the people on benefits.

Its not just a track but in time a hub for motorsport and manafacturing in wales with new industrial estates and so on just like milton keynes is with motorsport, drugs companies and other high tech industries.


361 posts

195 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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Good luck to them, I hope it's as sucessfull as it deserves to be.


399 posts

192 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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Bitofbully said:
I know the area and know that anything not chained down will be stolen.

There is absolutely no point in building a circuit there - F1 may go to some crappy places, but I can't see any attraction in taking it to the benefits capital of the UK.
Except its only the paper talking F1? The actual quote refers to touring cars, superbikes etc. putting it as an attempt to build investment in the area with a track on a level with Brands Hatch and Donington?
Whether it'll be any better than some of the failed attempts at creating jobs round there in the past is debatable, but it certainly sounds like they've thought through what they're up to.


7,880 posts

250 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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So a proposed 4th circuit for wales? And Scotland only manages one frown


3,622 posts

208 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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My advice to anyone thinking about supporting this is google "save the ring ". Same story here. Beware !


2,958 posts

175 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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Hasn't the same group who wish to build the circuit just bought the company who make FTR chassis?

Dan Friel

3,946 posts

289 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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MonkeyHanger said:
Planning permission for a new circuit? Good luck with that one.
I suspect that will be the easy part, any regeneration project should get strong support. Encouraging more private investment into the business / industrial elements will be very tricky.. Only then will the circuit follow, but it could be a tempting bait..


37,465 posts

238 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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Madness even thinking of building a circuit to host such major events in a location that has next to no easy access from major road/rail/air do they think people are going to get in and out of this place?


7,137 posts

231 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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Olivera said:
So a proposed 4th circuit for wales? And Scotland only manages one frown
What have I missed? Pembrey, Anglesey and ?


9,067 posts

155 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that the only 4 wheeled event which gets a huge crowd is the Grand Prix. BTCC gets reasonable numberfs- everything else- bar Silverstone Classic and Goodwood Revival gets two parts of bugger all. I attend 15 + race meetings a year and at nearly all of them there are more competitors and their families than there are paid up anorak spectators like me. For reasons I never really grasp the majority of self confessed petrolheads or whatever daft name applies just don't watch motor sport except from the settee. Given this fact , given the fact that newer circuits like Rockingham are near deserted, as are Donington and Oulton for many meetings ..where the hell is the income going to come from to keep such a new circuit afloat? The words 'pig' and 'fly' spring to mind, sadly.