Intelligent Money British GT Championship

Intelligent Money British GT Championship



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Sunday 8th March 2020
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jurbie said:
A little chat here with Scott Malvern who will be stepping up from GT4 to GT3 in 2020 taking a seat in the Team Parker Racing Bentley.
An interesting read and looking good! smile


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117 months

Sunday 8th March 2020
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jeff666 said:
Good news for IM,well done Julian and team,

Got to be a good advert for the company, just looked at the entrant list and noticed only 14 cars entered so far , hopefully more will join later.

Also noticed that young lad kelvin Fletcher is racing a Bentley, I met him once of all places at Silverstone on the pit wall, he comes across as a very nice down to earth chap.

My missus didn't believe I had met him and being an old fart I am not really in to the whole selfie with celebs thing biggrin
I had a long chat with Kelvin on Friday, he is an absolutely cracking bloke.

We are meeting up in the next week or so to see if there is anything we can do together in the future.

Graham Davidson is also a total gent who I have a huge amount of time and respect for. I am really looking forward to working with him this year.



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117 months

Sunday 8th March 2020
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Brads67 said:
That's because he is Scottish, and being an Aberdonian he'll likely have you looking after his fortunes smile
Or being a Scottish Aberdonian he wouldn't trust me to go within a mile of it! biggrin

Cheers mate, always good to hear from you. smile



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10,037 posts

117 months

Sunday 15th March 2020
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Looking exciting! smile




Original Poster:

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117 months

Monday 16th March 2020
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jurbie said:
Cheers! biggrin


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10,037 posts

117 months

Saturday 28th March 2020
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JonChalk said:
British GT going online:

edit: Sorry - IM British GT going online :-)
Thank you! biggrin


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117 months

Saturday 28th March 2020
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Not looking like a good start. frown

We are currently being told by SRO that they still intent to run all 7 weekends though, just with some postponements.


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117 months

Saturday 28th March 2020
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Brads67 said:
Awful news but to be honest , not many would expect anything different.

I really hope they manage to run all the rounds.
Hello mate

Same here. I am sure they will, just with delays.




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117 months

Sunday 29th March 2020
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Drumroll said:
JulianPH said:
Not looking like a good start. frown

We are currently being told by SRO that they still intent to run all 7 weekends though, just with some postponements.
Even IF we get racing in July, trying to get 7 rounds in may be a tall order. I have no doubt all other series are thinking the same as are all the bike championships. As well as all the other forms of motorsport The problem is all these series rely on the same marshals and medics etc.

Whilst I miss my motorsport, I would not be out every weekend from July to October (later for rallies) and I know lots of others feel the same. That is without all those who will need to work all the hours they can, to make up for lost income (or just not have the money to follow their hobby)
Given the government's medical adviser on this has just said that we could be in lock down until June and still have social distancing until November I have a horrible feeling you may be right.

I picked a brilliant year to start sponsoring it, didn't I?



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117 months

Sunday 29th March 2020
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CharlesdeGaulle said:
JulianPH said:
I picked a brilliant year to start sponsoring it, didn't I?

Proof, as if it were ever needed, that investments can fall as well as rise. laugh

On a more serious note, is there any sort of insurance or limitations in place to offset the pain? It's incredibly bad luck, but not entirely unknown albeit on smaller scales. You must be terribly disappointed. Hopefully the pent-up demand will help further downstream?
Exactly, and don't try to time the markets! laugh

I've not checked on insurance yet, but I doubt it.

If it is called off this year (which I am guessing it will be now) then SRO are a decent bunch and I would imagine they would roll the contract over until next year.

Yep, I am gutted mate.


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117 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Drumroll said:
You can insure for anything.

When taking out event insurance you generally have to be specific as to what you want to insure against.

As an example you can insure against the event being cancelled if the monarch dies. But it wont cover if any other member of the royal family die. (Think Diana's funeral)

From my own experience this sort of insurance is very specific. It has to be, or events would look at the books and say this event isn't going to make money lets just cancel and claim on the insurance.
Sorry, I was saying I didn't believe our existing insurance would have covered this.

I actually had a call from SRO on Friday letting me know they are planning to still run all the weekend, but starting in Auguse and going on to November.

Let's hope this new calendar can now go ahead. smile


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117 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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JonChalk said:
Let's hope so, Julian - this would be good news.
Cheers Jon, I seem to have chosen a bad year to start sponsoring it! rolleyeshehe


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117 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Drumroll said:
JulianPH said:
Sorry, I was saying I didn't believe our existing insurance would have covered this.

I actually had a call from SRO on Friday letting me know they are planning to still run all the weekend, but starting in Auguse and going on to November.

Let's hope this new calendar can now go ahead. smile
Much as I admire the optimisum, I struggle to see how any series will run a full season starting in August. The problem is everybody else will want to run their series as well. Have alredy seen this with a few other series saying we intend to this, without really thinking it through.

We were seeing critiism of to many events happening on a weekend before all this started leading to a shortage of marshals and medics.

Don't forget a lot of marshals don't just do circuits, but hillclimb and sprints as well as few who also do rallies. All of whom will want to run.
I'm just the messenger! smile


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117 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Ranger 6 said:
As a chief marshal of a different British Championship event, I really hope MUK take a sensible view on re-allocating permits. Ours is in September (and has always been) and I'm concerned that our crews will be tempted away by other events.

Julian - I feel for you and hope the whole thing is resolved well.
Cheers Ranger 6. smile


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117 months

Monday 4th May 2020
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Kinky said:
@Julian - apologies for the thread derail smile
Hello mate, no problem! I trust all is well with you and yours. smile


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117 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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Brads67 said:
So is that Spa officially stcanned ?

Gutted. Had a big weekend planned for it.

Shame as well, as there was likely to be a convoy of idiots all wearing fancy new jackets and caps , hammering sausages into Belgian lawns all weekend.
I am waiting to find out and will let you know when I do mate.



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117 months

Wednesday 27th May 2020
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Gallons Per Mile said:
Bugger! I was looking forwards to Spa too frown Maybe next year.
Morning mate

Me too, we will have to wait until next year now.

This has reminded me, I need to get a few hundred jackets and caps sorted!

The original requests are now burried all over the place between here, Nik and my email, so I will post here and on the IM thread with a new IM emails address for everyone so we can get it all in one place and have them sent out!



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117 months

Wednesday 27th May 2020
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Brads & Craig

I am sure I can find an agreeable alternative for us this year...


More to follow (privately).


Original Poster:

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117 months

Friday 29th May 2020
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samdale said:
Gallons Per Mile said:
Bugger! I was looking forwards to Spa too frown Maybe next year.
Same. Though reminding myself I am only missing out on something that was graciously given for free takes the edge off hehe. Only thing I'd paid for was the air BnB and got a full refund so nothing lost smile
There is always next year for Spa and I am sure we can come up with something else fun for this year when the lockdown is lifted! smile


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117 months

Friday 29th May 2020
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Gallons Per Mile said:
Yes exactly, it was a very generous offer in the first place. I think Julian's got more to be upset about sponsoring an event that's not fully going ahead!
Not the best timing, I have to admit!

I should stick to stock markets! getmecoat


Edited by JulianPH on Friday 29th May 12:08