Intelligent Money British GT Championship

Intelligent Money British GT Championship



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117 months

Wednesday 4th November 2020
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Red9zero said:
Thanks !
No problem, still working out how I added an extra 'd' and missed out the 'i' on 'Friday'! smile


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117 months

Wednesday 4th November 2020
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Red9zero said:
I hadn't even noticed laugh


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117 months

Friday 6th November 2020
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Sky are covering Silverstone this weekend with Jenson and Chris racing! biggrin


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117 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
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df76 said:
Sky even covering qualifying tomorrow. Looking forward to it!
Same here!



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117 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Visibility is so poor due to fog that my helicopter can't take off and I it is too late for me to drive to Silverstone in time, so I will miss out on my Sky interview with Jenson and Chris.

Very much a PH first world problem, I know!


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117 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Steve H said:
I can be there by 11 if you need a standin? biggrin
I wish I could have got you there in my place mate! smile


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117 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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PorkInsider said:
JulianPH said:

Visibility is so poor due to fog that my helicopter can't take off and I it is too late for me to drive to Silverstone in time, so I will miss out on my Sky interview with Jenson and Chris.

Very much a PH first world problem, I know!
Yes mate, I think we might have just hit peak PH first world problem there.



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117 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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egor110 said:
Do you keep the helicopter at a airfield or home ?

I used to deliver post to a cricket player who managed to 'park ' his on the 'large; garden.
Sorry, bad phrasing, "my" was just a reference the one I was supposed to have for today!

I don't use one anywhere near enough to justify owning it, I just charter it when I need to get somewhere quickly.



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117 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Red9zero said:
Kelvin Fletcher interviewing Jenson and Chris now. I wish he'd pull his mask up though !
Kelvin sent me a text earlier asking where I was. Completely gutted to not be their with him, Chris and Jenson.

We put so much into this in order to raise the profile and some bad weather put an end to me joining everyone on the day.

Those masks just fall down as your jaw moves when talking, you can't stop it!


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117 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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jonny142 said:
Iv'e a new money maker Julian .. Here it goes ... Intelligent weather forecasting ? smile
It would be rather useful, unintelligent weather forecasting has buggered up my day!

There was a window I could have got out for the race in time (though still miss the media) and then it closed back in, meaning if I had I wouldn't have been able to get back. My wife thought that was a really good idea! biggrin


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117 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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baconsarney said:
Are there any corvettes in this championship? Not really followed at all this year.. if not why not? Genuine question chaps...
No, but a rather fierce Mustang! smile


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117 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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skeggysteve said:
Dinoboy said:
Is that a Corvette safety car?
It's a McLaren.
It is indeed. I was invited out for a lap in it at Donington Park! smile


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117 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Red9zero said:
Helicopter was ok that day then ? laughtongue out



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117 months

Monday 9th November 2020
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A110MW said:
It was a great final race of the season. I thought the Sky coverage was excellent.

Shame the weather hampered your plans Julian but fingers crossed we all get to lots of the races next year.

It really was a great final race and despite the frustrations of me an others of not being able to be there I am sure we will all get to meet next year.

Just so everyone is aware, Sky simply broadcasted the usual SRO coverage rather than doubling up with their own. Great to see it there though!


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117 months

Monday 9th November 2020
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Red9zero said:
JulianPH said:
Very nice ! cool

I was asking my wife (an IFA) why she didn't deal with Intelligent Money as they sponsor GT racing. She said some financially waffley stuff that I think meant you do different stuff to her laugh
Thank you!

Over the last nearly 20 years all of our business was from IFAs, but when (2 years ago) we set up a low cost direct to public service that offered free financial and tax planning with no IFA or platform fees then many stopped placing clients with us as the saw this as a threat.

Fair enough, we had reckoned for this, but the irony is that many of these IFAs then moved all their own investments to us using this! biggrin


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117 months

Monday 9th November 2020
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Well, what a great end to a season that we didn't think would even go ahead at one point!

Given all of the obstacles put in front of us we managed to pull off a full season of racing and get classed as elite for Silverstone with 38 cars racing (or at least starting!) including Jenson and Chris joining the line up for the first time.

I have just got off the phone with SRO and we are already making plans for 2021 where we aim to top this and have all you guys and girls there.



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117 months

Monday 9th November 2020
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FredericRobinson said:
JulianPH said:
I have just got off the phone with SRO and we are already making plans for 2021 where we aim to top this and have all you guys and girls there.


If you could ask them nicely to give the British GTs a slot on the Spa 24 weekend rather than the weekend before that'd be super (teams and drivers might not agree though)
I am not sure my influence stretches that far! biggrin


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117 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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TimCrighton said:
Julian, I've not had time to post since but I thought the live coverage was a really great addition to the longer race. The race itself was also engaging which helped make for great viewing.

Well done on getting it going this year.

A shame we've not been successful in persuading Ben to add an Anglesey date, but hopefully one day it will happen. I have visions of a summer evening race rolling into a concert, party and funfair above the circuit with the views out to sea... Calendar looks good though and should be another great season building on a good end to this one.

Perhaps BigMowley and I need to have a chat about getting together for a blast in it next year clap
Cheers Tim! smile

It has been a difficult year (obviously) and to get a full season of racing out of it was a fantastic and adding Jenson and Chris to the Silverstone 500 was a great result.

It would be great to see you there next year!



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117 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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indigorallye said:
British GT & SRO should be very proud of the race season that they managed to bring together.
The coverage was fantastic, as it has been for the past few years. Joe Osbourne is brilliant and very entertaining (naming corners Rubbish 1 and Rubbish 2 at Silverstone had me in stitches)
The fact that the last race was on Sky Sports F1 (due to obvious commercial reasons) has me fearful for the future of YouTube streaming- please keep it available to those of us that don't have Sky!!
The coverage has been brilliant and SRO have done a fantastic job this year.

Don't worry, the live streaming is not going anywhere!


PS I received a package yesterday with a fantastic branded jacket and the coolest t-shirt I have ever seen together with a hand written thank you note from Jenson and Chris.

I was like a kid at Christmas!!! biggrin


Original Poster:

10,037 posts

117 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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indigorallye said:
Credit to you and your team too Thank you. beer
Thank you, but I just put the money up and SRO did all the heavy lifting! I will take credit when it is due, but in this case it was others (Shai, Lauren, Ben. Tom, Alaina) and the whole team who pulled this season off so brilliantly. We are already discussing plans for next year! biggrin

I will take some credit for getting Jenson and Chris to the final race though! hehe